C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 3 3
Feb 12 ALS from Ludwig Kraft, an old acquaintance of Elsa Ein-
stein, inviting AE to visit and discuss issues that are not just
of a personal nature. [44 203].
Feb 13 Leaves Berlin for Amsterdam.
Feb 14–15 In Amsterdam, together with Harry Kessler and Otto Leh-
mann-Russbüldt, presents a BNV appeal to the International
Federation of Trade Unions that the league intervene on
behalf of Germany with the Allied delegations at the Paris
reparations conference. They urge that German reparations
be addressed within the context of the restoration of interna-
tional economic ties, and not just within the framework of
German-French relations. Kessler 1961, pp. 241–245; BNV
Report 1921, p. 1.
before Feb 15 Signs appeal to German scientists, calling for contributions
to a fund for Pieter Zeeman’s researches on the occasion of
the twenty-fifth anniversary of his discovery of the Zeeman
effect. [75 419].
Feb 15 Visits the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum together with Harry
Kessler. Kessler 1961, p. 244.
Feb 16 Returns to Berlin.
From Max Rubner. The PAW raises no objection to the pub-
lication of Einstein 1921b as a reprint (Einstein 1921c).
Kirsten and Treder 197b, p. 49, No. 147.
Feb 17 Participates in the first meeting of the PAW selection com-
mittee for a director of the Potsdam Astrophysical Observa-
tory. Kirsten and Treder 1979a, No. 104, II, No. 136.
TLS from Federigo Enriques. Received AE’s letter of 2 Feb.
Encourages him to lecture in Italian. Proposes second half
of October or the first weeks of June for the visit in Italy.
[9 228].
Feb 20 TLC from Ernst Sorge. AE’s lecture “Geometry and Experi-
ence” is scheduled for 23 Feb at a meeting of the Mathema-
tisch-Physikalische Arbeitsgemeinschaft at the University
of Berlin. [78 500].
Feb 22 TLS from Camill Hoffmann. Solicits an article for Prager
Presse, a new Prague daily newspaper, if possible before