4 6 4 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
TLS from Kurt Joël. He seeks AE’s opinion on two articles
critical of the empirical standing of the general theory, a
subject on which he will write a review article for the Vossi-
sche Zeitung. The first article is the annual report of the Car-
negie Institution, which claims that the solar redshift
predicted by AE had not been found. The second article,
written by Johannes K. Riem in Die Umschau, cites the Car-
negie report, and also maintains that the relativistic explana-
tion of the anomalous perihelion of Mercury is achieved by
a formula that produces “wrong values” for other planets,
and that it can be explained by other ways. [44 012].
Jul 14 The plenary session of the PAW discusses AE’s trip to
America. W. Schulze objects to accepting AE’s report on his
trip into the minutes. Planck decides that the report is of
interest to the members. Kirsten and Treder 1979a, pp. 128–
129; Kirsten and Treder 1979b, p. 244, No. 228.
before Jul 15 ALS from Else Lasker-Schüler. Introduces herself and asks
whether she can pay a half-hour visit to the Einsteins to
present her Lasker-Schüler 1921. [34 119].
Jul 15 According to Poslednie novosti, AE has consented, at the
invitation of A. V. Lunarcharsky, People’s Commissar for
Education of the Soviet government, to visit Russia and lec-
ture on the theory of relativity. Jewish Correspondence
Bureau 15 Jul; Vossische Zeitung, 2 Aug.
Elsa Lasker-Schüler presents her Lasker-Schüler 1921 to
AE with the dedication “Dem hochverehrten und bewunder-
ten Albert Einstein dem Wunderprofessor (Professor allein
hört sich hässlich und zu gelehrt an) und seiner Gemahlin
von der Amram im Buch 15. Juli 21.”
Tgm from Solomon Ginzberg. Thanks him for Docs. 179
and 180 and informs him they have been forwarded to the
U.S. (IsJCZA, Z4/40205). [90 290].
Jul 16 IE to Max Born. KWIP board of directors requests informa-
tion on the planned research, as well as on the needed
instruments and their cost. [77 981].
IE to Karl Försterling. KWIP board of directors agree with
the change of research topic. [78 014].
IE to Clemens Schaefer. KWIP board of directors resolved
to stick to the original condition that a Panzer galvanometer
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