I N D E X 6 5 7
join editorial board of Das Odeon, 391–
392, declines, 394; join editorial board of
Mathematische Annalen, 317, 590c; join
Monistenbund, 347–348, declines, 358;
jubilee of University of Rostock, 198,
203, 216n, 219, 225, 280, 580c; to lecture
at: Berufsamt für Akademiker, 611c;
Chemical-Physical Society, Vienna, 276,
586c; Kiel Autumn Week for Arts and
Sciences, 612c; Liga zur Beförderung der
Humanität, 559c; literary club of Frank-
furter Gesellschaft für Handel, Industrie
und Wissenschaft, 516, 536, 604c, 611;
University of Frankfurt, 281; University
of Geneva, 341, 354, 372, 451; University
of Hamburg, 616c; University of Oslo,
497, 504, 536, 607c; Monistenbund, 34;
Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Ham-
burg, 607c, 616c; to lecture in Munich, 6,
404; Spain, 527, 614c, 615c; on principle
of relativity, 64
Anti-Semitism: on, 230; during school-
time in Munich, 492; in Germany, 268,
Appeal “Für den Aufbau des jüdischen
Palästina,” signs, 193, 579c
Eastern European Jews, petition to hold
courses for, 433–434
Hebrew University: Basel conference on,
cannot attend, 298, invited, 212, 253–
254, plans to participate in, 293, 306,
588c, recommends Ehrenfest, 227;
discusses with Zionists, 578c; for East
European Jewish students, 227, 352;
interested in, 152; involvement in,
xlv–xlvi, 222; no teaching because of
lack of knowledge of Hebrew, 152; on
being funded by world Jewry, 181; on
close ties with institute of technology,
267; on European quality of, 181; on
plans for, 352, 457; recommends Cou-
rant for professorship, 222; recom-
mends Ehrenfest for professorship,
222, 578c; recommends Epstein for
professorship, 180, 222, 578c; recom-
mends Landau for professorship, 222;
statement on founding of, 601c
called “Jewish Newton,” 287
Jewish scholars, in favor of fundraising
among Jews for, 230
on his Jewishness, 181, 468, 492, 495
on Jewish homeland in Palestine, 16, 181,
222, 307
on Jews, 16, 230n, 294, 494–495
Verein zur Gründung und Erhaltung einer
Akademie für die Wissenschaft des Ju-
dentums, chairman of, 593c
Zionism, on his support for, 180
Zionists, meets with, 181n, 223n, 550c
LECTURES: at Bund “Neues Vaterland,” on
Colin, 589c; at Kiel Autumn Week for
Arts and Sciences, 613c; at PAW, 64,
566c, 582c; at Société française de physi-
que, 141n; at University of Oslo, planned,
496; Viktoria-Luisen-Schule, 557c; Mo-
nistenbund, 64; Sozialistischer Studenten-
verein, on principle of relativity, 29, 34;
University of Leyden, inaugural, 353,
355, 364, 402, 469, 482–483, Dutch pam-
phlet of, 456, 497, 615c; on: field equa-
tions for cosmological problem and
constitution of matter, 65n, 566c; moment
of inertia of hydrogen molecules, to PAW,
596c; visualization of relations in spheri-
cal space, 65n, 566c. See also EINSTEIN,
OPINION ON: academics, 194; the Berliner
Tageblatt, 306; Debye’s paper, 516;
Dutch and Swiss fostering science, 487;
Freundlich’s book, 158; Guillaume, 536;
Kohlschütter’s paper, 13; Konen, 194;
Lánczos’s dissertation, 375; patent cases,
7n, 570c; Pauli, 298; Schaefer, Clemens,
scientific contributions of, 149; possibili-
ty of change in human beings, 143; Som-
merfeld’s book, 388; Spengler’s book,
387–388; Times (London), writing article
for, 273; use of organizations, 184; visit to
England, 408, 599c
40th birthday, 29, 490
Aardenne, Gijsbert v., as lovely man, 352
Academics: 142, 408; in Göttingen, 460
Art, 572c
Arithmetical miscalculation, 456
Barbusse, Henri, deep sympathy for, 331
Bernoulli, as being incompetent, 487