4 8 D O C U M E N T S 3 2 – 3 4 A U G U S T 1 9 2 7 32. To Mileva Einstein-Marić [Zuoz, 2 August 1927] Dear Mileva, Tete arrived safely.[1] It’s very nice here and we’ve already gone for walks. The latest news is that Mr. Karr has died.[2] I learned of his death through Berlin. We’re staying until about the 14th. It could be lovely. We’ve already read Nietzsche.[3] Tete is crazy about Italy.[4] Best regards, your Albert 33. On Religiosity [Einstein 1929b] Dated after 5 August 1927[1] Published [1929] In: Gelegentliches von Albert Einstein. Zum fünfzigsten Geburtstag 14. März 1929 dargebracht von der Soncino-Gesellschaft der Freunde des jüdischen Buches zu Berlin. Berlin: Soncino-Gesellschaft, 1929, pp. 9–10. I cannot imagine any personal God[2] who directly influences the actions of in- dividual creatures or sits in judgment on his creatures. I cannot, even though the mechanistic causality of modern science has been to a certain degree put in doubt. My religiousness consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals to the few what we can know about reality by using our weak and frail reason. Morality is an extremely important matter, but for us, not for God.[3] 34. To Hans Albert Einstein Zuoz [7 August, 1927] Dear Albert, Greetings from this year’s holiday. We have been here for a week and spent more time on Nietzsche[1] than on mountain climbing. Tomorrow we will hike to Maloja and then over the Septimer Pass.[2] Then we go on to Berlin via Zurich. Before all that I was in Geneva, where it was as hot as it was fruitless.[3] Best regards to you and your wife,[4] your Papa