D O C U M E N T S 3 9 , 4 0 A U G U S T 1 9 2 7 5 1 39. To Frederick Alexander Lindemann Berlin W30, 28 August 1927 Dear colleague, During the holidays I have often reproached myself because I haven’t accepted your kind invitation to Oxford.[1] I should at least have tried to reply to the invita- tion with less delay if this had been possible.[2] Perhaps I can make amends and do what you ask at the same time. If you cannot find anyone else at Oxford and if a stay of four weeks in Oxford would be sufficient, I should be very willing to come during next summer term.[3] It is very important for me that in England, where my work has received greater recognition than anywhere else in the world, I should not give an impression of ingratitude.[4] Also in the event that somebody else has been invited, I would ask you urgently to explain the contents of this letter, so that there may be no doubt as to the warmth and gratitude of my feelings. Kind regards, your A. Einstein 40. To Émile Meyerson [Berlin,] 31 August 1927 Dear Mr. Meyerson, On returning from a holiday trip[1] I find the translation of my review of your book along with your detailed, profound observations on this review.[2] Kindly thank Mr. Metz[3] for producing this translation, which seems to me absolutely suc- cessful. Your comments would actually make it necessary now to rewrite my review, especially since my characterization of your conception of the status of relativity theory as compared with earlier physics was probably not entirely correct.[4] More- over, I have changed my mind regarding the second point of “geometricizing.”[5] I still think that here the word “geometric” is meaningless. However, since I am cur- rently very busy and cannot consider rewriting my review, instead I gladly leave it to your own explanations to set the record straight. Among other authors with whose views I also largely agree, I can mention: Schlick/Vienna and Reichenbach/University of Berlin, and probably also Carnap and Zilsel.[6] It would be best for you to write to the very amiable Mr. Schlick, who will gladly inform you more precisely regarding the literature. But you must espe- cially ask him to cite first of all his own works. Kind regards! I heartily return the greetings of your sister and niece, your[7] A. Einstein