4 V O L . 8 , D O C U M E N T S 2 6 9 a , 3 0 9 a 1 9 1 6 1 9 1 7 Vol. 8, 269a. To Martin Knudsen[1] Wittelsbacherstr. 13, Wilmersdorf-Berlin, 27 October 1916 Dear Colleague, I have a dim memory of having written you a rather stupid letter more than two years ago. In the event that you somehow still remember it—please forget it. Today I am writing you regarding a personal matter. When I was recently in Hol- land, visiting Ehrenfest and Lorentz,[2] I met our colleague Nordström, a young Finn, who had made a name for himself in the theory of gravitation.[3] Ehrenfest told me that a teaching position in physics is currently available at the technical university in Helsingfors for which Nordström is a candidate, along with another, incomparably less qualified applicant. Moreover, it is not unlikely that your opin- ion will be solicited regarding the filling of this position. Given this situation, and since I know Nordström very well as a colleague who works on the same problems as I do, I consider it my duty to recommend him to you very warmly. Through his entirely independent work he has significantly ad- vanced the development of the theory. In addition, he is a humble, very decent man, in whom one can have complete confidence.[4] For more than two years now, brutish violence and passion have supplanted rea- son, even among people striving for good. How long will this go on? In any case, in better times I hope to be able to have the pleasure of shaking your hand once again! With kind regards, your A. Einstein Vol. 8, 309a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein and Paul Winteler[1] [Berlin, ca. 10 March 1917][2] Dear Sister and dear Pauli, Your letter gave me much pleasure and so did your pressing invitation. However, I will not visit you until summer, because it is much nicer in Switzerland then and traveling there right now is horrible (possible lack of heating). You tout your rice and sugar ration cards, you clueless gluttons! Here there was recently great misery
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