1 5 0 D O C U M E N T S 1 4 0 , 1 4 1 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 8 140. To Chaim Weizmann [Berlin,] 25 January 1928 Dear Weizmann, I have read with great interest your official letters, which I heartily endorse, especially the one to Warburg, who supports my view without bringing you into conflict with the Americans.[1] But what pleases me most is your last letter, in which you return to your long-standing intention to take the university’s leadership into your own hands.[2] The only problem is that I—don’t yet believe you. You have already told me the same thing with the same determination, without anything coming of it.[3] I firmly believe that our institution would be flourishing if you had selected its staff and recommended the plan for its step-by-step development. If it were certain that Magnes[4] would voluntarily yield to you, the whole battle against M. would be superfluous—assuming that you stuck by your decision. But I don’t know whether you can escape the claws of the organization,[5] and I also have doubts as to whether in that case M. would have the magnanimity to with- draw. Thus it is probably better that we pursue the M. affair, quite independently of whether you later take over the office. But in the event that the mopping up suc- ceeds, before choosing the recommended academic head we must wait until you know for sure whether you will be able to assume this function.[6] In the meantime, the content of your last letter remains a secret between us, which I will entrust to no one without your express wish. Best regards to you and yours, your A. Einstein 141. From Paul Ehrenfest [Leyden,] 25 January 1928 Dear Einstein, Thanks very much for your letter, which I will answer in detail at some later point.[1] For the moment, I would simply like to inform you that unfortunately Lorentz is VERY seriously ill.[2] After his lecture on Monday, 18 January,[3] he came back to Haarlem with a fever. It soon became clear that it was an erysipelas infection that spread from his mouth through the nose to his face and scalp. And the very high fever that goes along with it.[4] The fever has continued all this time and the ques-