D O C U M E N T S 4 9 , 5 0 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 6 3 49. Statement on Kisch 1927 [Berlin, 13 September 1927][1] Concerning Max Hoelz:[2] From these letters its emerges that Hoelz is a moral, particularly gentle, unstint- ing worker and a sympathetic person, and not someone capable of a common crime.[3] Woe to the state and society in which political considerations impair the execution of the law. The review of the procedure in Hoelz’s case is one of those measures that are absolutely necessary to restore the German people’s faith in its judicial system.[4] 50. To Hendrik A. Lorentz Berlin, 13 September 1927 Dear Mr. Lorentz, When I remember the July session of the I.C.I.C., I am struck especially by a de- cision that we made in response to a special wish of Casares’s. It was declared that in every sovereign state there could be only one national commission with which we maintain constant, official relations.[1] In contrast, there was supposed to be nothing inherently objectionable if in many states a policy of repressing national minorities was unfortunately pursued. These [states] are kept at a distance from the national commissions and are thus de facto insulated from us. Thereby we become accomplices in the work of cultural repression whose moderation was supposed to be one of the main tasks of our commission. You may not know how bad relations really are in many European countries. I am sending you for your information a position paper on the situation of repressed Balkan peoples, the reading of which really shook me.[2] Don’t you think that we could reconsider our decision? The circumstance that the League of Nations is a representation of states and not of nationalities cannot be the ground for our being able to recognize only local commissions that represent states. As proof of this, it can be pointed out that the members of our commission are after all not representatives of states.[3] It could very well be thought that we would recognize every cultural-national group’s right to form a local commission that would entertain permanent and official relations with us. Of course, in doing so we would encounter many difficulties, but the overcoming of such difficulties would also be of great value. I even believe that the mere existence of such rela- tions might already alleviate many hardships. Kind regards, yours sincerely, A. Einstein