V O L . 1 5 , D O C . 5 1 3 a A P P E A L F O R H O E L Z 2 5 Vol. 15, 513a. Appeal for Max Hoelz[1] [Einstein et al. 1927d] Dated 23 April 1927[2] Published 1927 In: Egon Erwin Kisch, Max Hoelz. Briefe aus dem Zuchthaus. Berlin: Erich Reiss Verlag, 1927, pp. 119–121. The neutral committee for Max Hoelz, composed of women and men of different political orientations, seeks a speedy reconsideration of the judgment issued by the extraordinary tribunal on 22 June 1921. This judgment sentenced Max Hoelz[3] to lifelong imprisonment and with permanent loss of his civil rights, in particular be- cause of the alleged murder of the landowner Heß.[4] For almost half a year it has been known to both the public and to officials that as a result of the true perpetra- tor’s self-incrimination, the retractions of the principal witnesses, and on the basis of other important facts, the foundations of the judgment in the Heß case have col- lapsed and significant evidence is also available that is capable of showing that other important parts of the sentence are based on judicial errors.[5] Large groups both inside and outside Germany, though completely opposed to Max Hoelz’s political views, are convinced that his action as a whole was constantly guided solely by the sincerest motives. The committee demands the rapid issuance of a new judgment regarding the facts and the person of Max Hoelz. It strongly protests the remarkably slow processing of this case and draws offi- cials’ attention to the exasperation that has gripped broad groups in view of the unequal way in which the amnesty law is being applied. The committee asks that all those who would like to support it in this legal battle join it by sending a written declaration (to be addressed to the Committee, Berlin W8, Friedrichstraße 59/60, attn Dr. Beck), with the precise address.[6] Dr. Alfred Apfel,[7] Attorney at Law, Berlin Bruno Asch, City Councilor, Frankfurt am Main Prof. Hans Baluschek Dr. Ernst Baumbach v. Kaiberg, Landcourt Counselor, Gotha Johannes R. Becher Dr. Kurt Beck, Attorney at Law, Berlin [p. 119] [p. 120]