D O C U M E N T S 1 6 4 , 1 6 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 8 1 7 1 164. To Hans Albert Einstein Zurich, 31 March 1928 Dear Albert, Your letter pleased me very much.[1] I, too, would very much like to have you near me, and I’ll do all I can to find you a position in Berlin.[2] The difficulty is that other people have to do this, since one can hardly intervene on behalf of one’s own son. Unfortunately, I can’t visit you because the doctors say that I have a serious heart problem (enlargement of the heart with high blood pressure and too short a pulse wave).[3] Whether it will get significantly better is still unknown. In any case, I will have to stay in bed for months. This letter is also written in bed. Tete[4] has devel- oped splendidly. I see him almost every day, but I’m not staying with Mama be- cause my wife is with me.[5] I am glad that you will visit us in June.[6] You will then be our guests, though we will have to find you lodging outside our apartment. Things are going well with the refrigerator. A.E.G. is very interested in it. We have devised three different types, one with evaporation of methyl alcohol using a water-jet pump,[7] the second an electrical mercury pump and refrigerant pumps using the mercury[8] in a way analogous to the water-jet pump, and the third a spe- cial kind of absorption machine.[9]— I hope you’re in good health. If I’m also doing a little better, I’ll see you in June. Your, Papa 165. To Ilse Kayser-Einstein Zurich, 31 March [1928][1] Dear Ilse, I’m laid up in bed with a battered heart.[2] Now we’ll see if weeds really can’t be killed off. But I’m not writing you because of that, but rather to ask you to go to Bircher for the follow-up treatment.[3] It’s really less for the treatment than so that you internalize his experience concerning the right way to eat. Then it will benefit Rudi[4] as well. My great confidence is based on the marvelous success that was achieved in the case of Mary Julius.[5] She constantly eats in accord with his rec- ommendations and has flourished like a little pig, just as you would. Do this for my sake, and kisses to you and Margot[6] from your Albert