2 4 V O L . 1 5 , D O C U M E N T 5 0 8 a A P R I L 1 9 2 7 Vol. 15, 508a. To Elsa Einstein [Rheinsberg, 5 or 6 April 1927][1] Dear Elsa, Now we’ve been here for a day and have a complete idea of the local living conditions.[2] We are both very happy and comfortable. The food is not bad, much better today than yesterday. But for those with stomach trouble it would obviously be totally unsuitable.[3] Today we’ve already taken a long walk and have also dili- gently read together. Now it’s overcast, there’s a strong wind, and it’s ice-cold, and that is unusual with a wind from the south. So we’re shivering a bit, but I’m not allowing them to turn the heat on.[4] Anyway, Tete’s illness is being treated with scorn, which is undoubtedly the best thing for it.[5] If he spent half a year with me, he’d get over all his belly-aching. Anyway, it’s nice and enjoyable to play the father role with the boy, though I do it only in response to a special request and am not butting in. It’s too bad that the boy has not seen Margot.[6] However, feelings have improved so much that it would be quite all right for her come with us if the food were more healthy. The area becomes increasingly attractive as one comes to know it better. If only it doesn’t snow. The temperature is such that it might. When I think of the move of my room I feel sorry for you and also a certain anxiety.[7] I think we should no longer hire the secretary if there are also no references, I don’t feel in- clined to trust her. Best wishes from me and from Tetel, to whom I’ve not given this letter to read, otherwise he would have added something to it. Your Albert Greetings to Margot and Ilse.[8]