V O L . 1 4 , D O C U M E N T 3 1 3 A U G U S T 1 9 2 4 1 5 Vol. 14, 313. To Maja Winteler-Einstein[1] Berlin, 28 August 1924 Dear Sister, You’re right when you complain about my ample silence, but consider how our dear father[2] did it. And in addition, I’m still a harassed man, inwardly and out- wardly. Now concerning your book.[3] It’s entirely natural that such things are distressing to me, because they are used against me, and also because this way of displaying living people to strangers is inherently somewhat embarrassing. It might be all right in foreign countries, but where one lives, it’s unbearable. I had to suffer directly from Mosz.’s book—even good old Planck found it a “catastrophe.”[4] You are usually opposed to the exhibition of the individual and you have rightly found it a special disadvantage of German life. Only no personality cult. And then there is my lack of self-confidence, which contrasts almost ludicrously with the outer to- do. I cannot find any position for Pauli.[5] Anschütz[6] doesn’t need anyone, and besides, I don’t know of any position for which he would be suitable. On the other hand, Elsa believes she can find appropriate boarders for you [7] that seems possi- ble to me, too. I have been pleased with the League of Nations Commission.[8] In general, a more hopeful time for the European situation has begun. The local mentality here leaves the most to be desired, though that is not hard to understand. Scientifically, I have had only a little success—the brain slowly goes rancid with age, and that is not at all pleasant. However, later life is also no longer so full of responsibility. Warm wishes from your Albert Greetings to Pauli.