D O C U M E N T 1 5 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 8 1 6 1 155. To Leo Kohn Davos, 17 March 1928 Dear Mr. Kohn, I received your and Weizmann’s detailed messages last evening.[1] I agree com- pletely with the formulation and content of the letter sent to Magnes.[2] And I am also happy that M. has in principle agreed.[3] But it appears that he already wants give the policy of “lazy elasticity” another try. You know how much I concur that Brodetsky should be the academic head of the university [4] I am convinced that with that everything would take a turn for the better. Tell him that! However, I no longer consider it necessary that he make the long journey to speak with me here. That probably only made sense when there were differences of opinion about what to do or not to do for the university. In any case I inform you that I will be in Berlin starting about 10 April. The state of my health is rather shabby, so that I still don’t yet dare join the social whirl.[5] When you write to Weizmann, give him my sincere thanks for his letter. If I don’t write to him separately, it’s only because I am in complete agreement with his way of proceeding and have nothing to add. But I now have new hope that our university will turn into something worth- while. As soon as we have such an intelligent and upright man there, the choice of persons will be good and so will everything else. As for you, you will certainly be happy if our desperate battle leads to a success. I am also very happy that you have found a worthwhile and interesting field of ac- tivity beyond our business.[6] But on the other hand, I trust that you will remain connected with the university matter over the long term, if the quagmire can now be cleaned up. For then you will naturally end up in Jerusalem, as I hope. Now it all depends on what Weizmann achieves in America.[7] For M. will actually give in only when he feels he must. Kind regards, your (signed) A. Einstein