1 0 V O L . 1 3 , D O C S . 6 1 a , 9 0 F E B R U A R Y M A R C H 1 9 2 2 Vol. 13, 61a. Reference for Max Abraham [Berlin, after 22 February 1922][1] Abraham[2] is without doubt one of the most talented and meritorious research- ers in the area of mathematical physics. The center of his talent lies not in the do- main of the development of ideas in physics but rather in that of mathematical conceptualization. I consider the idea of making him a teacher of mathematics in a technical university a very good one, because he combines acute scientific concep- tual training in the purely mathematical domain with an unusually rich knowledge of applied mathematics. I am of the opinion that among the men in Germany known to me, none of those who might be considered would be as suitable for such a teach- ing position.[3] Vol. 13, 90. To Maja Winteler-Einstein and Paul Winteler[1] [Berlin,] 17 March 1922 Dear Pauli and dear Sister, From your postcard I gathered with concern that serious illness has now over- taken Maja as well.[2] Let me know immediately how it is going, and don’t leave out anything important. The young Florentine woman I am supposed to inquire about has returned to Italy by way of Zurich she is said to have suffered from a serious mental disturbance, according to one of the sisters whom I met as she was cleaning the entry hallway of the foundation. On 28 March I am going to Paris to give a few lectures at the Collège de France, and in the fall to Japan and China.[3] Maybe I’ll take Elsa with me. Here there is so much coming and going, I lose my senses. However, I’m hoping to find peace on the sea voyage. Miza’s father died she has to go home to help her mother, because her sister is mad and her brother has been missing since the war.[4] Albert will be a university student this fall [5] he writes little, but gives me great delight, a resilient fellow with a healthy apathy. Now I wish with all my heart that you get well soon, and ask you, d[ear] Pauli, to send me a detailed report regarding the status of the illness and the doctors’
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