1 4 2 D O C U M E N T 1 3 3 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 8 I will also help him, if I can, get out of it. I have utter respect for situations of this kind that threaten young people and I have supported and probably would always support helping get into that. Now as I wrote you, in the last week of December I saw “little” Albert. He looked very pale, whereas Tete looked full of strength,[10] but I, in my cloud-cuckoo-land way, just joked about it, and if I thought anything, it was only that he could hardly look good, working 10 hours a day in an industrial area full of coal-dust, and I was glad about both his mathematical victory with re- gard to his director and about the challenge that the demands of any intensive work present.[11] However, Zangger’s experienced, sincerely fresh eye saw something else.[12] I would like to be at your side again, and it would make me very[13] happy if Zangger’s affectionately worked-out plan could be realized. Otherwise I would like Anna to make an attempt to fatten young Albert up, as she might successfully do with Albert the elder during the few days on Universitätsstrasse.[14] Of course, I am writing all this, not with the intention of traveling this way or that, or even in the sense of knowing better what should be done. Rather, it shows how profoundly out of date I am, and how everything happens as it must so long as the heaven of pure knowledge and its harmonies arch over this Earth. Warm regards from your Michele 133. From Chaim Weizmann [London,] 17 January 1928 Dear Prof. Einstein, I have received your detailed letter and have, in accordance with your wish, sent copies to Dr. Magnes and Felix Warburg.[1] I am sending you herewith also copies of the letters I wrote to these two gentlemen on this matter.[2] As you will see from these letters, I support your proposals in every respect and have recommended to the two gentlemen that they accept them.[3] Indeed, I agree entirely with your view that the present situation is quite unsatisfactory, and I also believe that the appointment of a competent academic head for the university, who will be supported by a permanent committee of the academic council, could bring about a real improvement, if all the participating parties wish it and cooperate in it. This cooperation, insofar as it is up to us to secure it for the university, seems there- fore important to me and for this reason I have, as you see, in my letters to the two gentlemen, insistently recommended that they accept your proposals. If they do that, I believe that a means could be found that will enable Dr. Magnes, as you indicate in your letter, to remain as the administrative head and representative of the university in external affairs, provided the position of academic head is strictly secured against any intervention from the outside. I do not know whether Mr.