1 8 V O L . 1 5 , D O C . 5 8 a I N T E R N A T I O N A L I T Y O F S C I E N C E Vol. 15, 58a. “On the Internationality of Science” [Einstein 1929c] Dated [between ca. 1 September 1925 and 30 March 1926?][1] Published March 1929 In: Gelegentliches von Albert Einstein. Zum fünfzigsten Geburtstag 14. März 1929 dargebracht von der Soncion-Gesellschaft der Freunde des jüdischen Buches zu Berlin. Berlin: Soncino-Gesellschaft, 1929, p. 13. In the seventeenth century, scientists and artists all over Europe were so closely united by a common link that their cooperation was hardly influenced by political events.[2] The general use of the Latin language further strengthened this commu- nity. Today we look on this situation as a paradise lost. Nationalist passions have de- stroyed the community of minds, and the Latin language that used to unite every- one is dead.[3] Scholars, having become the strongest representatives of national traditions, have lost their community.[4] These days we observe the striking fact that politicians, men engaged in practi- cal life, have become the supporters of international thought. It is they who created the League of Nations.[5] A. Einstein[6]