5 0 D O C U M E N T S 3 7 , 3 8 A U G U S T 1 9 2 7 37. To Leo Kohn [Berlin,] 21 August 1927 Dear Mr. Kohn, I support the proposal that the academic council meet here this autumn.[1] How- ever, unfortunately it will be impossible for me to be there on 1 November, because on that day I will still be at the Solvay Congress in Brussels.[2] From 24 October to 3 November I cannot be there, but otherwise I can attend at any time. Relations at the university have become completely intolerable.[3] Dr. Felix, who was the best scientist in Jerusalem,[4] has given me a vivid account. Kligler is said to be completely insignificant as a scientist, but such a plotter that the organs of the Palestinian government avoid meeting with him.[5] Dr. Felix is leaving Jeru- salem and going to London with his wife and child, which represents a loss as great as it is a scandal.[6] Magnes is supposed to have also signed a contract with Hadas- sah that integrates it into the university in such a way that all the petty charlatans employed by Hadassah have suddenly become “professors” at the university.[7] If this goes through, I will resign from the board of trustees and henceforth have noth- ing further to do with the whole thing.[8] In itself, Brodetsky’s suggestion pleases me. I just wonder whether this administration isn’t disproportionately expensive in comparison with the salaries of the people who do scientific work there.[9] Warm regards, your A. Einstein 38. To Elly von Schneider-Glend[1] Berlin, 27 August 1927 Dear Mrs. v. Schneider, I have just written to Nicolai[2]—who could resist doing that? Not I, even if you hadn’t so kindly bribed me with the delightful little book. (Which, however, pained me because I feared it left a hole in your library that must not remain there.) One thing must be granted you women, namely, that you’re very superior to us in mat- ters of love. In that regard, you’re an especially glowing example. Certainly lone- liness is particularly becoming to you, and it is also connected with the benefit of not having constantly to struggle and fret with one of us.[3] But loneliness is like all good things: it’s good only when you know how to make and fashion something out of it. In that respect I admire you. With many thanks and best regards, your A. Einstein
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