D O C U M E N T S 1 2 1 , 1 2 2 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 8 1 3 3 121. To Alfred Einstein Berlin, 4 January 1928 Dear Dr. Einstein, Many thanks for the letter you forwarded to me.[1] Always very glad to be of ser- vice. As you see, I am enclosing a card that was meant for you, but sent to me. Yours sincerely, A. Einstein 122. To the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom[1] Berlin, 4 January 1928 I will not be in Geneva in March, because I have nothing to do with the disar- mament conference. However, I gladly take this opportunity to present to you my fundamental position regarding the questions to be discussed there.[2] It seems to me completely futile to try to set specific rules and limitations for war. War is not a game, and therefore cannot be waged according to the rules of a game. One can only battle war itself, and this can most effectively be done from the side of the masses by organizing an absolute refusal to perform military service on a large scale and even in peacetime.[3] The initial movements in this direction that are to be found in England and Germany are very promising.[4] In my opinion, your league’s best option is to do all it can to support this movement, even though you might lose a few members by taking such a radical step. If you want a German as a lecturer, I recommend the international law teacher Schücking,[5] whose address you will easily find in the League of Human Rights. Respectfully yours, A. Einstein P.S. I authorize you to use this letter as you see fit.