6 2 D O C U M E N T S 4 7 , 4 8 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 47. Tribute to Alfred Kerr[1] [Einstein 1928g] Dated after 11 September 1927[2] Published 1928 In: Joseph Chapiro. Für Alfred Kerr. Ein Buch der Freundschaft. Berlin: Fischer, 1928, p. 102. Seeing with one’s own eyes Feeling and judging, Without succumbing to the daily press’s suggestion,[3] Being able to say in a brief remark or even in an artful expression what one has seen and felt— Isn’t that splendid? Are further congratulations in order? 48. To Leo Szilard[1] Berlin, 12 September 1927 I empower you, on the basis of patents that are registered under common names or will[2] later be registered in other countries, including in particular North Amer- ica, in connection with the patent convention priority,[3] to register patents in [your][4] name alone. The property rights will of course not be affected hereby. Albert Ei[5]