I N D E X 6 7 3
Landauer, Gustav (1870–1919), 344n, 563c,
Landé, Alfred, 86n
Lang, E., 8
Lange, Konrad (1855–1921), 45n
Langevin, Paul (1872–1946), 171, 224–225, 500
Language controversy, on language of education
at Technion and Hebrew University, 153n
Larmor, Joseph (1857–1942), reformulates gen-
eral relativity, 244
Laub, Jakob (1882–1962), 397n, 528
Laue, Max von (1879–1960): 7, 22, 149, 214,
266, 302n, 319n, 345n, 472, 488; fights Ba-
varian Soviet Republic, 60; his conditions for
accepting a new position, 488–489; lectures
on eclipse expedition results to DPG, 442n,
602c; on optics of moving bodies, 207–209,
219–220, 296; on Seemann’s application for
KWIP funds, 30–31
Lawson, Robert W. (1890–1960): xxxix, 259,
268n, 310, 319, 346, 374, 412, 445, 523, 525,
592c, 599c, 601c, 603c, 605c; congratulates
AE, 252; offers to translate AE’s articles,
251; on Clarté, 346; on English edition of
AE’s lectures on relativity, 444; on English
edition of AE’s popular book on relativity,
311, 319, 526, contract, 525, requests addi-
tions to, 609c, 612c, resume and photos for,
444, royalties, 346–347, 407, 443, 598c,
translates, 295, translation rights, 311, 597c;
on harsh conditions in Germany and Austria,
311; picture gallery from his Vienna years,
257; on reconciliation between England and
Germany, 311; requests AE article for Na-
ture, 252, 256, 310, 328; solicits signed pic-
ture from AE, 257; wartime work at Institute
of Radium Research, Vienna, 436
Le Verrier, Urbain (1811–1877), 229
League for Proletarian Culture. See Bund für
proletarische Kultur
League of German Scholars and Artists. See
Bund Deutscher Gelehrter und Künstler
League of Nations: AE on, 117, 142, 281; Amer-
ican support for, 143; Fokker on, 236
Lecher, Ernst (1856–1926), 398–399, 428, 435
Lederer, Eugen, 277n
Lehmann, Otto (1855–1922): on electromagnetic
induction, 558c; requests KWIP funds for re-
search on influence of magnetic field on mo-
lecular forces in liquid crystals, 555c, 558c,
rejected, 562c
Lehmann-Rußbüldt, Otto (1873–1964), xliv, 202
Leidsch Universiteitsfonds, 249n; funds AE’s
special professorship, 183n, 247, 416n
Lemke, Karl (1895–1969), 95
Lenard, Philipp (1864–1947), 31, 150n
Length contraction: demonstration of, 601c; and
rotating disk paradox, 115, 135
Lenin, Vladimir I., 36n
Lense–Thirring effect, experimental test pro-
posed, 250
Lenz, Wilhelm (1888–1957): 20, 75, 217, 463,
464, 555c; curriculum vitae, 18–19; requests
KWIP funds for research in quantum theory
of monatomic gases, 19, rejected, 561c
Levi, Erna, 172
Levi-Civita, Tullio (1873–1941), 361
Levin, Shmarya (1867–1935), xlvi, 181n, 249n
Leviné, Eugen (1883–1919): 344n; execution of,
87n; request for just trial of, AE on, 70–71
Libert, Arnold (1887–?), 192
Libert-Weinstein, Janusch, 192
Lichtenstein, Léon (1878–1933), 46
Lick Observatory of California, xxxii, 158n
Liebermann, Max (1847–1935), 350n
Liebert, Arthur (1878–1946): 532; on Schlick’s
Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre, 510
Liebisch, Theodor, 488n
Liebknecht, Karl (1871–1919): xliv, 17n, 34n,
384n, 389n, 488n, 550c, 551c; murder of, 5n
Liga zur Beförderung der Humanität, 17n, 203n,
551c, 559c, 562c
Light deflection, caused by light refraction: Em-
den on, 297, 309; Lorentz on, 186
Light deflection, gravitational: xxxii–xxxvii,
219; approximate values of, 170; as test of
general theory of relativity, 32; in Weyl’s the-
ory, 217; confirmation hurts English pride of
Newton, 245; confirmation of, 170, 305, Ed-
dington on, 216; daytime observation, 244;
half value prediction of, 304n, 305, Zangger
on, 303; relativistic and non-relativistic, Ed-
dington on, 32
Light, effect on chemical reactions, 141, 224
Light emission, of atoms, research funded by
KWIP, 563c
Light pressure, Schwarzschild–Debye maxi-
mum, 398
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