3 6 D O C U M E N T S 1 4 – 1 6 A P R I L 1 9 2 3 14. From William W. Campbell[1] lickobservaory calif [12 April 1923] = three pairs australia tahiti eclipse plates measured by campb[ell] trumpler[2] sixty two to eighty four stars each five of six measurements completely calculated give einstein deflection between one point fifty nine and one point eighty six sec- onds arc mean value one point seventy four seconds[3] = W. W.[4] campbell. Tgm. [8 323]. Addressed “einstein akademie wissenschaften berlin,” with secondary postmark “Ber- lin NW 12.[4.]23. 810 V[ormittags].” [1]Campbell (1862–1938) was director of the Lick Observatory in Berkeley, California. [2]The plates were taken in September 1922 by an expedition to Wallal, Western Australia, to observe light deflection by the Sun during a solar eclipse. Robert J. Trumpler (1886–1956), an astron- omer from the Lick Observatory, had made the comparison plates three months earlier on Tahiti. See Campbell and Trumpler 1923 for a first publication of the results see also Crelinsten 2006, pp. 194– 212, for more on the expedition. [3]The value predicted by general relativity is 1.7 seconds of arc (see, e.g., Einstein 1916e [Vol. 6, Doc. 30], p. 822). [4]The first and middle name initials are added in an unknown hand. 15. From Edith Clare Bryce Cram[1] [New York, 12 April 1923] congratulations on your stand for peace[2] would you come to america as guest of two peaces societis if expenses were paid aeswer colclub = cram Tgm. [43 464]. The telegram is addressed “Professor Albert Einstein Haberlandstr 5 Berlin w 30” and postmarked “Berlin W 30 12.4.23 10–11V[ormittags].” [1]Cram (1880–1960) was founder of the Peace House in New York. [2]Einstein had recently expressed his displeasure with the League of Nations following the French and Belgian invasion of the Ruhr (see Einstein to Pierre Comert, 21 March 1923 [Vol. 13, Doc. 447]). 16. From Ludwik Silberstein[1] [Rochester?] 15 April, 1923. Lieber Herr Kollege! Beinahe ein Jahr waren mir Ihre terrestischen Koordinaten unbekannt ich hörte blos, dass Sie Berlin verlasssen haben (to judge from the newspapers). Direkt habe