1 9 8 D O C . 1 2 2 T H E A F F I N E F I E L D T H E O R Y Damit diese Gleichungen mit der Erfahrung vereinbar seien, muss die Konstante γ praktisch verschwindend klein sein, da sonst keine Felder ohne merkbare elektri- sche Dichten möglich wären. Die Theorie liefert ¢aber² zwanglos die bisher bekannten Gesetze des Gravitati- onsfeldes und des elektromagnetischen Feldes sowie einen Wesens- Zusammenhang beider Feldarten aber ¢nicht² sie bringt uns über die Struktur der Elektronen keine Aufklärung. AD. [1 029]. The manuscript consists of five pages. The first two pages were written on the back of a fragment of an unidentified typescript. The third, fourth, and fifth pages were written on the back of the beginning of a typescript of Hans Reichenbach’s contribution to the meeting of German phys- icists in Jena, 18–24 September 1921 (Reichenbach 1921). Cropped. See Einstein 1923s (Doc. 123) for an English translation. [1]Dated by the fact that the translated version was published in Nature in its issue of 22 September 1923. [2]The editor of Nature had requested the article in Abs. 16. [3]Eddington 1921, 1923. The following presentation of the theory is based on Einstein 1923e (Vol. 13, Doc. 425) and Einstein 1923h, 1923n, 1925a (Docs. 13, 52, 282, respectively). [4]Tullio Levi-Civita, Hermann Weyl, Arthur S. Eddington (1882–1944). The latter was Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy at the University of Cambridge and director of its Obser- vatory. [5]At this point in the original text, Einstein indicates a note he has appended at the foot of the page: “Summationszeichen werden in […].” In the published version (see the following document), the footnote reads: “In accordance with custom, the signs of summation are omitted.” [6]At this point in the original text, Einstein indicates a note he has appended at the foot of the page: “Herr Droste in Leiden ist unabhängig von mir auf dieselbe Idee gekommen.” Droste’s contribution is also acknowledged in a footnote added in proof to Einstein 1923n (Doc. 52).