1 0 1 0 I N D E X Zionist Executive, 877a presiding committee of, lxxvii, 250n Weizmann, Ch. as head of, F. Warburg objects, 903a AE agrees, 343 resigns membership in, 55 AE protests, 56–57 Zionist Executive on, 73–74, 875a AE agrees, 875a See also Hebrew University Bogoliubov, Efim D., 332n Bohr, Niels (1885–1962), lxxxvi– lxxxv, 70, 73n, 132, 133, 135, 201, 214, 228n, 235, 379n, 418, 467n, 498, 559n, 576 AE calls principle hunter, 126 guest at Lorentz jubilee, 194 quantum theory, intends to discuss with AE, 122–123 AE on, 126 sends AE proofs of Heisenberg 1927, 804 visits Ehrenfest, 122 Bohr-Kramers-Slater theory, lxxxv, 102n, 210, 347, 418, 467n Laue on, 523 Bohr-Nørlund, Margrethe (1890–1984), 124n Bollnow, Otto (1903–1991), 71, 73n Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844–1906), 202n, 539, 618, 785 Bonnevie, Kristine, 931a Böök, Martin F. (1883–1961), 274 Bopp, F. H., AE on showing Einstein Tower to, 908a Borberg, Svend, on interview with AE in Extra- blatt, 912a Borel, Émile (1871–1956), 543, 869a, 904a AE meets, 401n, 914a Boris, Rolland, on H. Luxa, 948a Born, Gritli (1915–2000), 70 Born, Hedwig (1882–1972), lx, lxii, lxxxii, 26n, 70, 131, AE on illness of, 366 play by, 944a, 947a AE on, 698–699, 712 Hilbert on, 947a Jessner on, 947a Kayser requested to review, 647, 654 theater for, Max Born on, 647 recuperates, 909a U.S. visit of, 916a AE on, 366 Born, Irene (1914–2003), 70 Born, Max, xxxix, lxi, lxii, lxxxi–lxxxvi, xcii, 72, 101, 126, 177, 200, 234, 235, 241, 311, 318, 319, 340, 367n, 371, 418, 429, 446, 449, 452– 453, 570, 654, 708n, 743, 814n, 815, 817, 821, 823, 909a Born, Hedwig’s play, solicits help with, 647 Born 1926b, lxxxv candidate as successor of Planck, 815 character of, Ehrenfest on, 131 Miller’s experimental setup, appalled by, 916a on the quality of his work, 70 on quantum theoretical research in Göttingen, 70–71 on space quantization, 70 wave mechanics, on “ghost field” in, 647 virtuoso in science, AE calls, 126 Bosch, Carl (1874–1940), 356, 905a, 912a Bose, A. M. sends blanket from India as gift, 871a solicits recommendation, 871a, 926a Tagore gives certificate to, 871a Bose, D. M., 926a Böse, Franz, 877a Bose, Satyendra Nath, 181 intends to visit AE, 885a Bose, Sir Jagadish Chandra (1858–1937), 529, 926a Bose-Einstein statistics, lxxxiii, 80n, 727 Ehrenfest on, 641–645, 701–702, 707, 711 incorrect result of, AE on, 908a Scherrer on, 907a Sommerfeld on, 321 Bothe, Otto, 592n collaboration with Maschke, AE asked for help to restore, 940a AE declines, 631 Berg- mann on, 941a AE promises, 940a invention of, 934a Bothe, Walther (1891–1957) experiment of, 102n, 126 AE on, 371, 813 Lo- rentz on, 373 Mie on, 447 teaching position at University of Karlsruhe, Richter on, 957a Bottlinger, Kurt, 902a on causes of meanders in rivers, 899a on gravitational redshift, 879a Bradt, Gustav (1971–1928), 206 raises stipend for Grommer, 943a Bragg, William H. (1862–1942), 160, 417