Volume 15: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1925-May 1927 (English Translation Supplement)

Volume 15: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1925-May 1927 (English Translation Supplement)
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Table of Contents
Volume 15: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1925-May 1927 (English Translation Supplement)
Table of Contents pages: 1 2 3
- Vol. 1, 15a. To Marie Winteler 337
- Vol. 1, 16b. To Marie Winteler 337
- Vol. 1,16c. “Contract for the Purchase of a Box of Water Colors” 438
- Vol. 1, 16d. To Marie Winteler 539
- Vol. 1, 16f. To Marie Winteler 640
- Vol. 1, 16g. To Marie Winteler 741
- Vol. 1, 16h. To Marie Winteler 741
- Vol. 1, 16j. To Marie Winteler 842
- Vol. 1, 17b. To Marie Winteler 943
- Vol. 1, 18c. To Pauline Winteler 1044
- Vol. 1, 18e. To Pauline Winteler 1145
- Vol. 1, 27a. To Marie Winteler 1246
- Vol. 1, 31a. To Marie Winteler 1347
- Vol. 1, 33a. To Marie Winteler 1347
- Vol. 1, 34a. To Pauline Winteler 1448
- Vol. 1, 53b. To Marie Winteler 1549
- Vol. 5, 177a. To Marie Winteler 1650
- Vol. 5, 198a. To Marie Winteler 1650
- Vol. 5, 213a. To Marie Winteler 1751
- Vol. 5, 218a. To Marie Winteler 1751
- Vol. 5, 429.[1] To Georg Bredig 1852
- Vol. 8, 222a. To Gunnar Nordstrom 1852
- Vol. 6, 28a. Address at the Fiftieth Anniversaryof Emil Warburg’s Doctoral Degree 1953
- Vol. 7, 30a. Verse for Cornelia Wolff-Gerstle 2054
- Vol. 10, 109a. To Leo Winz 2054
- Vol. 12, 32a. To Adolf Busch 2054
- Vol. 14, 141a. From Eduard Einstein 2155
- Vol. 14, 249a. To Elsa Einstein 2155
- Vol. 14, 283a. To the Swiss Foreign Ministry 2256
- Vol. 14, 296a. To the Swiss Foreign Ministry 2357
- Vol. 14, Doc. 306a. To Willy Hellpach 2458
- Vol. 14, 467a. “To the Jewish Intellectuals” 2559
- Vol. 14, 477a. Aphorism 2559
- 1. To Julie Ansbacher-Rießer 2660
- 2. To Michele Besso 2660
- 3. From Auguste Piccard 2761
- 4. To Auguste Piccard 2963
- 5. From Michele Besso 2963
- 6. To Otto Lehmann-Russbüldt 3165
- 7. To Mileva Einstein-Marie, Hans Albert, and Eduard Einstein 3165
- 8. From Mileva Einstein-Marie 3266
- 9. To Émile Meyerson 3367
- 10. To Paul Ehrenfest 3468
- 11. To Eduard Einstein 3468
- 12. From Edwin E. Slosson 3569
- 13. To Edwin E. Slosson 3569
- 14. From Chaim Weizmann 3569
- 15. To Chaim Weizmann 3670
- 16. To Albert Wigand 3771
- 17. “Unified Field Theory of Gravitation and Electricity” 3872
- 18. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 4478
- 19. To Otto Grautoff 4478
- 20. To Robert A. Millikan 4478
- 21. To Mogens Bugge 4579
- 22. From Henri Bergson 4579
- 23. From Max Born 4680
- 24. From Montague David Eder 4882
- 25. To Mileva Einstein-Marić 5084
- 26. To Giovanni Giorgi 5084
- 27. To Wilhelm Westphal 5084
- 28. To Margot Einstein 5185
- 29. To Mileva Einstein-Marie 5185
- 30. Verse for Baker of Yeast Cake 5286
- 31. From Paul Epstein 5286
- 32. From Robert A. Millikan 5387
- 33. Statement at the Sixth Session of the InternationalCommittee on Intellectual Cooperation 5387
- 34. To Michele Besso 5387
- 35. To Elsa Einstein 5488
- 36. From Michele Besso 5589
- 37. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 5690
- 38. To Michele Besso 5791
- 39. To Elsa Einstein 5791
- 40. To Elsa Einstein 5892
- 41. To Ilse Kayser-Einstein 5892
- 42. To Elsa Einstein 5993
- 43. From Maja Winteler-Einstein 5993
- 44. To Elsa Einstein 6195
- 45. To Mileva Einstein-Marić 6195
- 46. To Ilse Kayser-Einstein and Margot Einstein 6296
- 47. Calculations 6296
- 48. Statement for Romain Rolland’s Sixtieth Birthday 6296
- 49. To Paul Ehrenfest 6397
- 50. To Heinrich Zangger 6397
- 51. Statement for Romain Rolland’s Sixtieth Birthday 6498
- 52. To Elsa Einstein 6599
- 53. To Elsa Einstein 6599
- 54. To Rudolf Kayser 66100
- 55. To Walther Schücking 66100
- 56. To Elsa Einstein 67101
- 57. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 68102
- 58. To Robert A. Millikan 69103
- 59. To the Central European Economic Congress in Vienna 70104
- 60. To Paul Painlevé 71105
- 61. To Judah L. Magnes 71105
- 62. To Hans Albert Einstein 72106
- 63. To Mileva Einstein-Marie 72106
- 64. From Emil Cohn 73107
- 65. To Hugo A. Kmss 74108
- 66. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 74108
- 67. To Hans Ludendorff 75109
- 68. From Paul Ehrenfest 76110
- 69. Verse for Kuno Kocherthaler? 78112
- 70. To Hugo A. Krüss 78112
- 71. To Paul Ehrenfest 78112
- 72. From Paul Epstein 80114
- 73. To Hans Albert Einstein 81115
- 74. From Auguste Piccard 82116
- 75. From Paul Ehrenfest 83117
- 76. To Paul Ehrenfest 85119
- 77. To Paul Ehrenfest 86120
- 78. To Eduard Einstein 86120
- 79. To Mileva Einstein-Marie 87121
- 80. To Erwin Schrödinger 88122
- 81. To Margot Einstein 89123
- 82. From Paul Ehrenfest 89123
- 83. “For the Freedom of Art” 93127
- 84. To Paul Ehrenfest 95129
- 85. To Max von Laue 95129
- 86. To Miguel Masnera Rubio 96130
- 87. From Auguste Piccard 97131
- 88. To Mileva Einstein-Marie 101135
- 89. To Mileva Einstein-Marie 101135
- 90. From Hendrik A. Lorentz 102136
- 91. To Arthur S. Eddington 109143
- 92. “The Electron and the General Theory of Relativity” 110144
- 93. To Adriaan D. Fokker 113147
- 94. To Hendrik A. Lorentz 114148
- 95. To Mileva Einstein-Marie 115149
- 96. From George Y. Rainich 116150
- 97. To Eduard Einstein 117151
- 98. From Pascual Jordan 117151
- 99. To Mileva Einstein-Marie 118152
- 100. To Leo Kohn 119153
- 101. From Erwin Schrôdinger 120154
- 102. From James H. Jeans 122156
- 103. From Erwin Schrôdinger 122156
- 104. To Mileva Einstein-Marie 126160
- 105. To Hans Albert Einstein 126160
- 106. To George Y. Rainich 127161
- 107. From Erwin Schrôdinger 128162
- 108. To Erwin Schrödinger 130164
- 109. From Heike Kamerlingh Onnes 130164
- 110. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 131165
- 111. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 133167
- 112. From Werner Heisenberg 134168
- 113. To Paul Ehrenfest 135169
- 114. To Paul Ehrenfest 136170
- 115. From Max Planck 136170
- 116. The Prussian Academy of Sciences to Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 137171
- 117. To Leo Kohn 137171
- 118. From Paul Ehrenfest 138172
- 119. From Werner Heisenberg 139173
- 120. Aphorism on Scholars 141175
- 121. “Message to Mr. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz on theOccasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of His Doctorate on11 December 1925” 142176
- 122. From Max Planck 143177
- 123. From Erwin Schrödinger 143177
- 124. To Elsa Einstein 145179
- 125. From Hendrik A. Lorentz 146180
- 126. From George Y. Rainich 148182
- 127. From Heinrich Zangger 149183
- 128. Address at Celebration of Hendrik A. Lorentz’s Doctorate Jubilee 151185
- 129. To Elsa Einstein 152186
- 130. From Mieczyslaw Wolfke 152186
- 131. Obituary for Willem H. Julius 153187
- 132. From Pascual Jordan 153187
- 133. To the Nobel Committee for Physics 155189
- 134. From Émile Meyerson 155189
- 135. To Mileva Einstein-Marie 156190
- 136. From Rudolf Ladenburg 157191
- 137. Greetings to the Federation of Jewish Student Associations in Germany 158192
- 138. To Michele Besso 158192
- 139. Calculations on Decomposition of Riemann Curvature 159193
- 140. From Moritz Schlick 159193
- 141. To Rudolf Ladenburg 161195
- 142. To Judah L. Magnes 161195
- 143. Statement on the Locarno Treaties 162196
- 144. “Einstein Optimistic over Locarno” 162196
- 145. To Felix M. Warburg 163197
- 146. Calculations 164198
- 147. Space and Time 165199
- 148. “Space-Time” 165199
- 149. To Otto Lehmann-Russbüldt 165199
- 150. To Poale Zion 166200
- 151. From Rudolf Ladenburg 166200
- 152. From Chaim Weizmann 167201
- 153. On Presenting Docs. 154 and 158 and Schrödinger1926a to the Prussian Academy of Sciences 168202
- 154. “The Cause of the Formation of Meanders in the Courses of Rivers and of the So-Called Baer’s Law” 170204
- 155. Calculations 173207
- 156. From Emmy Noether 173207
- 157. From André Metz 174208
- 158. “On the Formal Relation between the Riemann Curvature Tensor and the Field Equations of the Gravitational Field” 175209
- 159. From Eduard Einstein 179213
- 160. “Einstein Is Ready to Bet on His Theory” 180214
- 161. “My Theory and Miller’s Experiments” 181215
- 162. From Walter Schottky 182216
- 163. To Elsa Einstein 183217
- 164. From Judah L. Magnes 183217