7 4 D O C U M E N T S 6 5 , 6 6 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 5 65. To Hugo A. Krüss[1] [Berlin,] 13 September 1925 Dear Dr. Krüss, The idea you expressed about the railroad car full of books seems to me to be quite opportune.[2] I phoned Mr. Koppel[3] right away to arrange a meeting. On the way home, it occurred to me how we could, in my opinion, make this proposed gift even more valuable. We should, in my opinion, have a stamp made and provide each book with the imprint as follows: “To the young French students from the young German students as a souvenir of the memorable visit of… and… in Berlin on 13 September 1925.”[4] As a result, this visit and the gift would also have a lasting effect in France even though part of the press might not take sufficient notice of it. If it is not possible to locate a place that would be capable of or willing to act as “young German stu- dents,” we could say something a bit less colorful and simply say “from the Ger- man scientific community” or “from the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers” or “from the German libraries,” depending on the success of getting one or another academic institution involved. This would have a much greater effect on the French than if the gift came from a government author- ity I know they are very sensitive to such nuances. Respectfully yours, A. Einstein 66. To Maja Winteler-Einstein [Berlin,] 14 September [1925][1] Dear Maja, You need not always complain about my being close-lipped that’s just the way I grew up.[2] I will not be able to come so soon, but you are getting to know the most enjoyable member of our circle,[3] namely Margot.[4] She is, like you, an orig- inal, but of a completely different type. Instead of, like you, having people and an- imals as hobbies, she has nature and art. Both of you are cheerful and lighthearted then again, she is tidy and punctual. You will undoubtedly enjoy each other’s company. I was with Tete and Albert in Kiel, where we sailed and played music as
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