1 2 2 D O C U M E N T 1 0 3 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 5 102. From James H. Jeans[1] London, 5 November 1925 [See documentary edition for English text.] 103. From Erwin Schrödinger Zurich 6, Hutten Straße 9, 5 November 1925 Dear Professor, May I briefly (?) inform you about what I came up with after continuing to pursue your interesting approach?[1] It was:[2] . (the latter corrected by me, is right, I think you had and you had also only guaranteed the exponent of n.) Hence, with . This β is then (because of the factor instead of ) a very large number for one mole of H2, under normal conditions .[3] That is why the sec- ond energy level ( ) is already infinitely improbable compared to the first ( ), and the gas would stay completely degenerate up to temperatures of or- der of magnitude °C. Therefore, impossible. Ψ S E T --- – klg N!¦e kT -----nε -– 0 ∞ = = εn 3h2§ N e¹ ---· - © 5 3 -- - 4πmV3 2 -- - ---------------------n3N 2 ------- = N e¹ ---· - © § 2 3 -- - 2mV ----------- -n3N 2 ------- Ψ klg N!¦e–βn3N 2- ------ 0 ∞ = β 3 4πe3 5 -- - ----------- - h2N2 5 -- - mkTV3 2 -- - ----------------- ⋅ = N3 5 -- - N3 2 -- - β 1.45×10 4– N = n 1= n 0= 1019