1 8 0 D O C U M E N T 1 5 9 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 6 I also read sometimes, but not very much. I read some of Schopenhauer’s[8] shorter essays, perhaps less for the content than for the fact that they are so exqui- sitely written. It is remarkable how Schopenhauer repeatedly finds an opportunity, especially in these short writings, to make a few juicy malicious remarks about his philosophical opponents, especially Hegel.[9] Whether they are justified, I cannot judge, but the pathological frequency with which he always elevates his own work compared to others leads one to conclude that he feels neglected. And besides, he sometimes says things that seem incorrect to me, for example, that one’s whole life is completely predetermined down to its most insignificant details, first because that follows from one of his essays (which I am not familiar with) and also because there are certain people who can foretell the future. As proof he then cites some newspaper item. I also believe that, in order to justify his pessimism, he attributes to the will to live certain defects that only occur in humans and are based on their degeneration. Now, perhaps I understand too little of all that and should, as I often do, limit myself to lighter reading such as Christian Morgenstern[10] and the like. Be that as it may, I send you New Year’s greetings and hope that you make a side trip to Zu- rich sometime in the foreseeable future, and I remain (speaking in grandiose style) your Teddy 160. “Einstein Is Ready to Bet on His Theory” [Einstein 1926e] Dated between 11 and 16 January 1926 Published 16 January 1926 In: San Francisco Examiner, 16 January 1926, p. 6. [See documentary edition for English text.]
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