7 0 D O C U M E N T 5 9 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 5 I am working hard on developing further a theory on the connection between gravitation and electricity.[7] This theory makes a lot of sense mathematically, but I don’t know at all yet whether it is trustworthy as regards the physics. In July I attended another meeting of the League of Nations Committee.Your idea about attempting to counteract chauvinistic influences in schools was taken up there again.[8] All in all, the practical effectiveness of this committee is not exactly very great. Real action can only come from single individuals, not from an organi- zation, particularly when it is not just a question of the exercise of power but of pro- ducing an exclusively intellectual and moral effect. It is furthermore happily notable that the French working on this committee have a good, honest mentality.[9] On the other hand, though, it cannot be denied that the French influence is comparably much larger than it should be, based on the impor- tance of French intellectual efforts. England and North America are very good but not represented strongly enough.[10] Be that as it may, one should seek to nurture and fortify the germ of international communication and collaboration. H. A. Lorentz has unfortunately not succeeded in Brussels in pushing through the ap- proval of Germans at international events, a failure that naturally again strengthens the chauvinistic mood among local scholars.[11] Strangely, in Europe, politicians and businessmen think more liberally than scholars one cannot but regard this as a symptom of decadence. In America, this seems to be entirely different and con- siderably better.[12] With cordial thanks again and kind regards, your A. Einstein 59. To the Central European Economic Congress in Vienna Berlin, 2 September 1925 In my opinion, the objective you advocate is one of the most significant ones that our generation in Europe must focus on.[1] This overpopulated continent cannot survive if the division of labor indicated by natural conditions is rendered impos- sible by the customs borders of the individual regions. Signed,