V O L . 6 , D O C . 2 8 a A D D R E S S T O WA R B U R G 1 9 Vol. 6, 28a. Address at the Fiftieth Anniversary of Emil Warburg’s Doctoral Degree[1] [Berlin, 30 March 1917][2] ¢If the G[erman] Phys[ical] Soc[iety] according to the previous speaker² If the previous speaker has justifiably pointed out how successfully you have touched upon a connection between physics and technical science The previous speaker justifiably pointed out that by your efforts, ¢more lively² fruitful relations were built up between the pure sciences and engineers, which have proven to be valuable to both parties. ¢Allow me,² In the name of the G. Ph. Society, I cordially congratulate you. ________________________________________ If the G[erman] Phys[ical] S[ociety] especially takes the floor today, it does so be- cause it has particularly close ties with you. On the other hand, let us take this oc- casion to applaud enthusiastically the words of the previous speaker about the closer relations between physicists and engineers which are in the making.[3] — ¢In the name of the G. Phys. Soc., I cordially congratulate you.² 50 years of happy, productive work lie behind you since the day of the conferral of your doc- torate now as before, you strive with enthusiastic zeal to develop scientif. truth. These efforts have often been rewarded by clear results that continued to bear fruit as a genuine researcher, you always remained true to the principles: Factual, not personal Critical, but not skeptical Honest and precise in observation as in thinking. Choose the subject of your efforts according to scientif. needs and not according to the principle of least resistance. May you continue as before, for many years to come, to promote scientific life ¢in² within our ¢socie[ty]² circle and grace the meetings of our society by your par- ticipation as a good colleague and a shining role model.[4]