D O C U M E N T 2 2 J U L Y 1 9 2 5 4 5 year,[3] and this trip was so bad for my nerves that the doctor very strongly advises me against engaging in such a major undertaking in the next few years. I am very sorry to have to tell you this, since my respect for the scientific work you are doing there is very great, and my personal affection for you and the rest of the colleagues there is no less great.— I think I have now truly discovered the relationship between gravitation and electricity, provided Miller’s experiments are based on sources of error.[4] For, oth- erwise, the whole theory of relativity collapses like a house of cards. If Silberstein’s ether wind actually blows, there would probably be an astronomical aberration on Mount Wilson, although not in Cleveland, but much too small everywhere.[5] With the hope of seeing you again soon, I am, with warm regards, your A. Einstein 21. To Mogens Bugge[1] [Berlin,] 15 July 1925 [Not selected for translation.] 22. From Henri Bergson St. Cergue (Vaud), Switzerland, 15 July 1925[1] My dear Colleague, So far I have been unable to write to you due to a worsening of the illness from which I have suffered for the past seven months that condemns me to the bed or the chaise longue.[2] Nevertheless, I do not wish to delay answering your questions, or rather the ones that are being asked of you. Since the creation of our committee, it was never a question of ignoring German science.[3] When the committee was created, we called upon a great German physicist—even though Germany was not part of the League of Nations. You have now been able to take part in our work [4] you therefore know the spirit of our com- mittee and its goal. This is a twofold goal: encouraging the march of science through an international organization of scientific work, and serving the ideal of the League of Nations by gradually—progressively—bringing the scholars of the en- tire world closer together. With regard to what the Institute offers the committee through the French gov- ernment, it was decided first by our committee, and then by the League of Nations, that it will be rigorously and fully international.[5] This, by the way, was certainly