D O C U M E N T S 1 6 3 , 1 6 4 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 6 1 8 3 163. To Elsa Einstein [Paris,] Thursday [14 January 1926] Dear Else, The trip went well.[1] Traveling companion somewhat meshuggeneh young Eastern European Jew. Then by car to the hotel. Went to sleep at 9 P.M., today also sumptuous food in a small restaurant. Very charmed by Paris. Nothing pretentious. People friendly and simple. Sessions enormously stupid and boring. Noon with Obrescu and Schulze-G[aevernitz], evening with the latter.[2] Much more interest- ing than I thought. Article will be printed.[3] No one is broges.[4] Hats off to Lorentz president, not Painlevé.[5] But the latter is member in place of Bergson. Was at Hösch’s (ambassador) around 6 P.M.[6] To bed again at 9 P.M., tomorrow at noon Mrs. Curie.[7] Return trip Sunday evening.[8] Best wishes for your birthday.[9] Maybe will write again if there’s time. Now just in case Best regards to everyone, your Albert 164. From Judah L. Magnes [Jerusalem,] 14 January 1926 Dear Professor Einstein, Your letter of 24 December arrived today,[1] and I hasten to respond to you. I am surprised that you were not informed that Mr. Kohn[2] and I agreed that the minutes of the meeting were to be prepared by me and sent out from Jerusalem.[3] That would have happened if I had remained chairman of the Board of Governors and I simply assumed that, as chancellor, I had this same duty.[4] Such matters will certainly be readily settled as soon as our entire organization is straightened out. There is another reason that must not be ignored as to why the minutes were sent out from Jerusalem. I intended to thus register the fact that Mr. Ginzberg is secre- tary of the Board of Governors. He was, in fact, elected secretary in Tel-Aviv in April 1925, and we have a five-year contract with him.[5] You are probably aware that he gave up his government job in favor of the post as secretary.[6] If he had par- ticipated in the meeting, which I initially considered desirable, he would have pre- pared and sent out the minutes. The main thing, however, are the minutes themselves. I am convinced that no one wants to distort the proceedings of the meeting and I believe, consequently, that it is worthwhile to make every effort to present the proceedings correctly. The minutes that were sent out from here were drawn up based on detailed notes.[7]
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