D O C U M E N T S 6 0 , 6 1 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 5 7 1 60. To Paul Painlevé[1] [Berlin, 2 September 1925][2] Dear Mr. Painlevé, The bearer of this letter, Mr. Schnürer, was at my house and presented me with a plan for the implementation of reparations that seems reasonable to me and—if there is a practical possibility of its being realized—beneficial.[3] I advised him to visit you and to ask you, as a person experienced in practical political matters, to consider whether this plan is reasonable and practical. For my part, I ask you to comply with his request in the service of this very important matter. The only thing that I believe I am capable of judging is the fact that Mr. Schnürer is a man of a truly European mindset and genuine goodwill. With warm regards, your 61. To Judah L. Magnes [Berlin,] 9 September 1925 Dear Sir, I do not yet know whether it will be possible for me to speak with you before the meeting.[1] My opinion is that it would be highly dangerous if the appointment of scholars, as well as the establishment of the budget and the work plan of the uni- versity, were to be decided in Jerusalem. Given the still small population of the country, the intellectual abilities of the people currently active in scientific fields in Palestine do not adequately measure up to the initial tasks.[2] Nepotism would be the inevitable consequence. I know of examples in Switzerland that speak only too eloquently.[3] Together, we will consider everything and, hopefully, find a good solution of this I have no doubt, given the commitment of all to the great cause. Respectfully yours, A. Einstein