3 6 D O C U M E N T 1 5 J U L Y 1 9 2 5 means against the idea of the Agency,[5] and the result will be that the matter is ap- proved during the congress against the will of a large minority but the work then falls with tremendous force on my shoulders, to find people & millions, without collaborators, without a suitable party behind me. This I cannot take on. The political and financial situation of the movement places increasingly diffi- cult demands on the tact, the prudence, devotion and effectiveness of the Zionists, and only with few exceptions—Germany is a happy exception—do such people succeed. A fanatic party chauvinism drives many forces away from us. There is also the fact that I am tired and worn out. For eleven long years, I have done my utmost and can no longer burden myself with another heavy cross.[6] I see no other way! My resignation from the board of the university[7] is closely linked to this de- cision. I can also bear no responsibility for the things there. You can well imagine that it was not without a difficult struggle that I arrived at all this already for years I have been wrestling with this intention, but now it has condensed into a decision that I consider the only possible one. I wanted to tell you you should hear it from me and not learn about it from the press. I hope the day will come when we will be able to work in peace again. We[8] send our fondest regards to both of you, and I remain yours truly, Ch. Weizmann 15. To Chaim Weizmann [Berlin,] 2 July 1925 Dear Mr. Weizmann, Your finely written and, at the same time, very depressing letter constituted a painful surprise for me.[1] To me, your work seems so magnificent—I would almost go so far as to say it elides gravity, and yet here you reveal battle fatigue and weariness with people. As regards the presidency of the Zionist Organization, you are, in my opinion, doing the right thing if you resign—provided you accurately presented the situation in your letter. This is not only an infallible means of disarm- ing your adversaries, but also of nurturing the united front. For one will absolutely need you again after some time in the interest of the development work, but you