V O L U M E 1 , D O C U M E N T 1 7 b 9 Vol. 1, 17b. To Marie Winteler [Pavia,] Tuesday morning [in] bed [14 April 1896] Sweet Darling, Yesterday your charming, heartfelt little letter came and pleased me so very much. I’ve read it so often already, because while reading it, I feel completely as if I were with my love and hearing her sweet, gentle, happy little voice. We are play- ing music all day long here[1] to assuage a little our d[ear] mother’s worries and up- set mood.[2] Miss Marangoni & Miss Mai are also doing their bit.[3] They play with great virtuosity. But I do very sorely miss that delicate, truly profoundly feeling soul & that naturalness & originality of taste. Despite all the splendor, I yearn for your beloved playing, which is so full & true, coming from the bottom of your heart with its dear, childish emotion. In the meantime, my little sister, who has become quite an artist, plays that Schubert lied “Sei mir gegrüßt” finely and full of feeling.[4] You are in Zurich now, sweetheart, & are quite probably enjoying the splendid nature while I’m lying here in bed & writing to my love. It is really wonderfully nice of Wohlwendt to have brought you the Moonlight Sonata.[5] He simply is a very dear, nice fellow, even though my darling never wants to admit it. But, my love, what self-deprecation in your little letter you surely don’t quite believe it yourself, my beloved little rascal, & I naturally don’t believe a word of it, either. You are just right as my love, just the way you are & don’t need to have any scruples about it. Besides, you do still remember our interesting scientific con- versation about the little angels & devils in general & in particular about the essen- tial & causal connection. I am a bad fellow, right? I let d[ear] Mama read your little letter because she does love you so, sweetheart. Give my very warm regards & kisses also to the other Mama,[6] if she is still there in Zurich [---], furthermore to the professor.[7] Another fond greeting to his beloved, from your Albert Greetings to the Menzis.[8] Kind regards from Mama & my little sister, who naturally aren’t allowed to sign here themselves!