V O L U M E 5 , D O C U M E N T S 2 1 3 a , 2 1 8 a 1 7 how lucky you are that you are alone you are tormented only by what you imagine, not what you see and experience. I say all of this to you so you will not misjudge me, and so that the memory of the blessed hours that we spent together is not tainted for you. Do you remember how blissful we were on the Gurten, in the Bremgarten Forest, and in Zollikofen?[2] For me, those hours signify the high point of life. Don’t tell anyone other than sweet Rosa[3] that I wrote to you like this, because even our pain is desecrated by others. Affectionate greetings from your Albert Vol. 5, 213a. To Marie Winteler [Zurich, 15 July 1910] Warm regards to the eternally silent one from your A. E. Also, kind regards to Rosa and her little ones.[1] Vol. 5, 218a. To Marie Winteler Zurich, Sunday [7 August 1910] Dear Marie, As I was reading your letter, it seemed to me as if I were watching my grave be- ing dug.[1] The little leftover joy that I still had has been destroyed there remains only a disconsolate life of obligations. How one feels one’s own helplessness! However, I thank you and benevolent Nature one more time for giving even me, the disinherited one, a few hours of pure joy through you, 15 years ago and last year. Now, you are a different person what I say applies to the one that was mine. Farewell and no longer think of me, the unhappy one, rather than thinking of me with hatred and bitterness. It may seem to you that I am a traitor, but that is not true. Your Albert