D O C U M E N T S 2 8 , 2 9 J U L Y 1 9 2 5 5 1 On a personal note, I am glad that you found your way out of the sphere of cigar- smoking, self-aggrandizing gods, back into the sphere of scientifically active people. Kind regards to you and your wife, your A. Einstein.[4] 28. To Margot Einstein [Berlin, 19 July 1925] Dear Margot, Thank you for your kind, but also quite difficult to read, messages and for the enormous respectfulness you show toward me or, more specifically, toward my an- gry outbursts. The newspaper can print your picture but must not mention your re- lationship to me along with it.[1] Otherwise, my dear fellow countrymen will again say that I am operating an advertising agency in my home.[2] So long for now, your Albert 29. To Mileva Einstein-Mariü [Berlin,] Thursday [23 July 1925][1] Dear Mileva, After long consideration of the pros and cons, we decided to leave Tete in Kiel.[2] The two boys are going there the day after tomorrow, I will go to Geneva.[3] Around 1 August (30, 31, or 1) I’ll join you in Zurich, if you are there (if not, write to me—Comission de la coopération intellectuelle, Société des Nations, Geneva). In that case, I will travel directly to Kiel to join the boys. Albert is a fine specimen, Tete bright, but, of course, still a bit of an embryo. So long for now, your Albert