2 6 D O C U M E N T S 1 , 2 J U N E 1 9 2 5 1. To Julie Ansbacher-Rießer[1] [Berlin?, before 5 June 1925][2] Be resigned, do be still, All things happen as they will. Fate, you know, you cannot twist, Thus contends the fatalist. That’s not our Julia, not a trace, She looks the future in the face And, full of wisdom, will conclude How the hare should make its move. Brawny menfolk, not to vex, Daren’t defy the weaker sex. They obey at every start, Conscious of Julia’s good heart. Throbbing pain she can assuage[3] and many wrongs she can prevent. What she seeks is others’ joy A better aim there cannot be. Warm congratulations[4] from your Albert Einstein 2. To Michele Besso Berlin, 5 June 1925 Dear Michele, On 1 June, I returned from South America.[1] It was much ado without any ac- tual interest but at least a few weeks of peace and quiet during the sea voyage. I am firmly convinced that the whole Weyl-Eddington-Schouten train of thought[2] leads to nothing useful for physics and have now found another track that is more physically grounded.[3] The quantum problem seems to me to demand something like a special scalar for whose introduction I have found a plausible way.[4] In ad- dition, I have worked out and further substantiated a quantum theory of the ideal gas, which currently seems verified in the results.[5] From Picard, I also have heard
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