6 5 6 I N D E X
EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955):
APPOINTMENTS: Deutsches Museum: elected
member of board of, 602c, nominated,
594c; Königlich Wissenschaftliches Prü-
fungsamt, member of, 65n; Mathemati-
sche Annalen, editor of, 602c; University
of Leyden, professorship at, 150–151,
154, 180n, 247, 267, 352, 355, 362–363,
457, 469; University of Zurich, plans to
offer professorship at, 78, 109, 180n, 301,
329, 381, 588c, 591c
for foreigners, xlvii, 523
University of Berlin: 16, 64, 562c, 599c;
course fee, 581c; free admission to,
425; sets conditions for participation
in, 601c; stops temporarily, 147, 574c;
uproar at his lecture, xlvii, 422–423,
423n, 426–427, 429, 446, 510, 600c,
consequences of, 437, press coverage
of, 428, 450; for war veterans, 552c;
University of Leyden: 352; doubts about
their importance, 355
University of Zurich: 3n, 4n, 16, 57, 80,
89, 91, 99, 105, 132, 550c, 551c,
563c, 578c; not extended, 572c; on
free admission to, 329; quits, 147, 326,
404; tired of, 6
Volkshochschule Groß-Berlin, 599c
Volkshochschule für Proletarier, 339
writing up: 449, 523; for publication, 295,
ECLIPSE EXPEDITION: British astronomers,
comments on excellent behavior of, 295,
305; confident in positive result, xl, 197;
congratulated for positive result by: Op-
penheim, 173, 255; Planck, 180; Dällen-
bach, 190; Zürich physicists, 192; Perrin,
224; Coenen, 229; Fokker, 236; Lawson,
252; De Sitter, 262; Von Traubenberg,
292; Guillaume, 378; Bergmann, Hugo,
582c; Bonn University physicists, 584c;
Ulm, mayor of, 607; thanks for informa-
tion on results, Eddington, 577c, Lorentz,
577c; thanks Zurich physicists, in poem
for, 200–201; congratulates Eddington on
success, 304; on Eddington’s contribu-
tion, praise of, 401; positive result, com-
ments on, to De Sitter, 295; preliminary
results, mentions to, Dällenbach, 170
EXPERT OPINION: in patent case, 595c; asked
to serve as patent expert, 463, 464–465,
FINANCES: course fee at University of Berlin,
581c; course fee at University of Zurich,
6n, 90; Czech taxation, 555c; devaluation
of German mark, 90, 138, 147, 195, 201,
222, 226, 234, 242, 289, 293, 306, 456,
486; income from abroad, 270; income
from shares, 3n, 126n, 214, 551c, 576c;
income from Switzerland, 346n; indebted
to Zangger, 345; on payment for Hans Al-
bert Einstein’s boarding, 306; one-time
support from Ministry of Education, 574c,
575c; royalties for English edition of pop-
ular book on relativity, see EINSTEIN, AL-
salary: at University of Leyden, 247,
346n, 362; from KWIP, 126n, 155n, 303n,
559c; from PAW, 126n, 142, 155n, 303n;
one-time supplement, 126n; raise, 125–
126, 196n, 580c, 581c, 582c, 587c, 589c;
support to Pauline Einstein, 138; support
to Swiss family, 9–10, 90, 138, 154, 196,
234, 242, 270, 338, 345, 452, 486, 496;
support to two households, 306; war-time
tax declaration, 420, 601c
INVITATIONS: by Anschütz-Kaempfe, 7; Ed-
dington, 370, 408, accepts, 401; Ehren-
fest, 183; Haenisch, 477; Oppenheim,
Paul, 255, 360; Perrin, 225; Schlick, 198–
199; to Als-Ob conference, 493, accepts,
532, 611c; Basel conference on Hebrew
University, 212, 253–254; deliver course
at University of Zurich, 300–301, 552c,
553c, 554c, 564c, 568c, 572c, 573c, 587c,
declines, 329, withdraws offer, 591c; join
Arts and Sciences Committee of Deut-
scher Schutzbund für die Grenz- und Aus-
landsdeutschen, 350, declines, 357; join
Bataafsche Genootschap der Proefonder-
vindelijke Wijsbegeerte, 572c; join Bund
Deutscher Gelehrter und Künstler, de-
clines, 357; join committee supervising
Intellectus et Labor, 576c; join Demokra-
tischer Klub, 574c, 576c; join editorial
board of Annalen der Philosophie, 44;