I N D E X 6 6 3
respondence with Hedwig Born, 402n, 597c;
dowry of, 420n; health problems, 12, 13n, 28,
79; invitation to Zurich, 300; marries AE, 82,
83, 568c; misses AE, 106; of Jewish origin,
468; on Pauline Einstein’s move to Berlin,
290n; on public interest in AE, 587c; on rent-
al problem, 607c, 608c; religious affiliation,
83, 448, 468; takes care of AE, 64, 359; takes
care of Pauline Einstein, 106, 268, 386
Einstein, Fanny (1852–1926), 30n, 83, 173
Einstein, Hans Albert (1904–1973): 3, 4n, 89,
130–131, 235, 294n, 452, 530; boards with
Zangger, 303, 306, 326, 338, 451, 487n; char-
acter of, 78, AE on, 512; constructs airplane
with AE, 129, 132, 271; notes on psychology
of disintegration of Russia, 79; plans summer
vacation in Western Switzerland, 495, 512;
plays music with AE, 129, 132; provisions in
Divorce Decree, 9; sails with AE, 129, 132;
studies with Amberg, 271; technical interest,
69, 78, AE on, 270; visits Besso, 486
Einstein, Hermann (1847–1902), 70n, 83
Einstein, Hermine (1874–1943), 65n
Einstein, Ilse (1897–1934): 30n, 132, 302n,
360n, 416, 467, 472n, 556c, 573c, 595c; as-
sistant of Nicolai, 134n; letter to Joseph Pet-
zoldt, 573c; as secretary to AE, one-time
acquisition cost, 582c, 583c, salary raise,
133, 579c; music lessons, 226
Einstein, Margot (1899–1986): 30n, 132, 360n,
416, 595c; music lessons, 226
Einstein, Pauline (1858–1920): 29, 63, 65n, 81,
83, 91, 93n, 105–106, 119, 128, 130–131,
133n, 134n, 138, 147, 168, 170, 173, 201,
218–219, 248, 290n, 298, 303, 305, 359,
397n, 572c; burial, 456, 468, 602c; condo-
lences on death of, 441, 603c, 604c, 606c;
death, 441–442, 448, 451, 453, 482, 484,
602c; enters Clinic Rosenau, 572c; examined
by Zangger, 92; expenses for, 155n; interest-
ed in eclipse expedition results, 92, 94; mor-
phine injections, 139; move to Berlin: 268,
281, 289, 293, 325, 339, 342, 592c, planned,
64, 226; on family meeting in Zurich, 573c;
on own deteriorating health, 172; pride in
AE, 64; room in Berlin for, 226, 274; roots in
Swabia, 70n; terminal illness, xxx–xxxi, 29,
90–91, 93, 105, 130, 132, 147, 171, 173, 187,
196, 237, 293, 330, 339, 352, 355, 386, 402,
404, 419, 421
Einstein, Rudolf (1843–1928), 30n, 64, 74n, 83,
201, 420n
Einstein–De Haas effect, Beck measures, 7n, 16,
Einstein-Maric;;, Mileva (1875–1948): 4n, 13n,
36n, 91n, 130, 132, 170n, 195, 234, 270,
294n, 306, 486, 495, 496, 496n, 500, 530,
573c; awarded care of sons, 10; divorce, 8–
10; marriage certificate to AE, 11n; payments
to, 9–10, 90, 234; visits parents in Serbia,
270, 303, 338. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT:
FINANCES: support to Swiss family
Einstein-Stiftung. See Albert-Einstein-Spende
Eisfelder, Otto: 226, 607c; room for Pauline Ein-
stein, dispute on, 274; extends AE’s rent con-
tract, 608c
Eisner, Kurt (1867–1919): xliv, 488n, 558c; as-
sassination of, 13n
Eka-iodine, 217
Elbogen, Ismar (1874–1943), 169n
Electrodynamics: classical, 160; epistemological
status of, 264
Electromagnetic field: lack of understanding, 56;
of charged mass rotating around a gravita-
tional source, Mie’s calculation of, 97. See
also Unified field theory
Electrometer, for research on photoelectric ef-
fect, application to fund by KWIP, 563c
Electron: equation of motion in five-dimensional
theory, 66; gravitational field in constitution
of, 264; non-fractional, 7; singularity or non-
singular solution of differential equations,
AE on, 375; stability of, 498
Electron impact measurements, funded by
KWIP, 613c
Electron impact method, of James Franck, 368
Electron theory, with quaternions, 265
Elementary electric charge: in five-dimensional
theory, 39; measurement of, funded by
KWIP, 560c, 568c
Eliasberg, Alexander (1878–1924): xliv, 394;
Jewish identity of, 394; invites AE to join ed-
itorial board of Das Odeon, 391–392
Elster, Julius (1854–1920), 349
Emde, Fritz (1873–1951), 292
Emden, Robert (1862–1940), light refraction as
cause of light deflection, 296, 297, 309, 310
Energy components of gravitational field, 41
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