Volume 14: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, April 1923-May 1925 (English Translation Supplement)

Volume 14: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, April 1923-May 1925 (English Translation Supplement)
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Table of Contents
Volume 14: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, April 1923-May 1925 (English Translation Supplement)
Table of Contents pages: 1 2 3
- Vol. 9, 6a. To Anton Libecky 333
- Vol. 7, 36a. An Exchange of Scientific Literature 333
- Vol. 13, 178a. To Edward H. Synge 333
- Vol. 13, 382a. Calculations 434
- Vol. 13, 386a. To Marcel Grossmann 434
- Vol. 13, 414a. Inscription for Theresa Renner 434
- Vol. 13, 456a. From Eduard Einstein 535
- Vol. 13, 456b. From Hans Albert Einstein 535
- 1. “Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics” 636
- 2. Expert Opinion on the Legal Dispute between Inag and Optikon 737
- 3. From Paul Ehrenfest 838
- 4. From Max Planck 838
- 5. From Max Born 939
- 6. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 1040
- 7. To Unknown 1141
- 8. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 1141
- 9. From Pierre Comert 1242
- 10. To Pierre Comert 1545
- 11. To Gano Dunn 1545
- 12. To Federigo Enriques 1646
- 13. “Comment on My Paper ‘On the General Theory of Relativity’” 1747
- 14. From William W. Campbell 2050
- 15. From Edith Clare Bryce Cram 2050
- 16. From Ludwik Silberstein 2050
- 17. From Gilbert Murray 2252
- 18. To Elsa Einstein 2252
- 19. “On My Resignation from the Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations” 2454
- 20. “Prof. Einstein on His Impressions of Palestine” 2555
- 21. To Elsa Einstein 2757
- 22. From Hendrik A. Lorentz 2757
- 23. To Mileva Einstein-Maric 2858
- 24. To Elsa Einstein 2959
- 25. From Walter Loewenheim 3060
- 26. From Maja Winteler-Einstein 3060
- 27. From Hans Mühsam 3262
- 28. To Carl Seelig 3363
- 29. To Mileva Einstein-Maric 3464
- 30. From Hermann Weyl 3464
- 31. Calculations δR 3666
- 32. Calculations R× 3666
- 33. From Hermann Weyl 3666
- 34. To Maurice Solovine 3767
- 35. From Otto Blumenthal 3868
- 36. From Hermann Weyl 3969
- 37. To Mileva Einstein-Maric 3969
- 38. To Albert Karr-Krüsi 4070
- 39. To Leopold Koppel 4070
- 40. To Hermann Weyl 4070
- 41. To Georg Maschke 4171
- 42. To Gilbert Murray 4272
- 43. From Mileva Einstein-Maric 4272
- 44. To Svante Arrhenius 4272
- 45. To Hermann Weyl 4373
- 46. From Mileva Einstein-Maric 4373
- 47. To Walter Loewenheim 4474
- 48. To Philipp Biach 4575
- 49. To Heinrich Zangger 4575
- 50. To Mileva Einstein-Maric 4676
- 51. “Note to the Paper by A. Friedmann ‘On the Curvature of Space’” 4777
- 52. “On the Affine Field Theory” 4878
- 53. Calculations R Tensor 5181
- 54. From Emil Zürcher 5282
- 55. Introduction to Felix Eberty, Die Gestirne und die Weltgeschichte. Gedanken über Raum, Zeit und Ewigkeit 5484
- 56. From Hans Albert Einstein 5585
- 57. “Comment on the Note by W. Anderson ‘A New Explanation for the Continuous Corona Spectrum’” 5686
- 58. To Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein 5787
- 59. To Paul Ehrenfest 5787
- 60. From Hans Albert Einstein 5989
- 61. To Heinrich Zangger 5989
- 62. From Mileva Einstein-Maric 6090
- 63. From Heinrich Zangger 6191
- 64. To Hugo Strelitz 6393
- 65. From Albert Karr-Krüsi 6494
- 66. To Menahem M. Ussishkin 6494
- 67. From Paul Ehrenfest 6595
- 68. To Eduard Einstein 6797
- 69. From Eduard Einstein 6797
- 70. To Elsa Einstein 6898
- 71. To Elsa Einstein 6999
- 72. “Experimental Determination of the Pore Size of Filters” 70100
- 73. To Hans Mühsam and Betty Neumann 73103
- 74. To Max von Laue 73103
- 75. “Fundamental Ideas and Problems of the Theory of Relativity” 74104
- 76. To Elsa Einstein 82112
- 77. To Eduard Einstein 82112
- 78. To Hendrik A. Lorentz 83113
- 79. To Betty Neumann 84114
- 80. “Antisemitism and Academic Youth" 85115
- 81. To Eduard Einstein 86116
- 82. Message to a Gathering of the Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte 87117
- 83. From Jacques Loeb 88118
- 84. To Erich Ruschkewitz 89119
- 85. Message for French Delegation 90120
- 86. “Comments upon the Present Situation in Europe” 90120
- 87. To Max Born 90120
- 88. To Paul Langevin 91121
- 89. From Richard Courant 91121
- 90. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 92122
- 91. Last Will (I) 94124
- 92. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 94124
- 93. From Tullio Levi-Civita 95125
- 94. From Hans Albert Einstein 95125
- 95. To Heinrich Zangger 96126
- 96. From Paul Epstein 96126
- 97. From Marcel Grossmann 97127
- 97a. To Elsa Einstein 98128
- 98. To Betty Neumann 99129
- 99. To Elsa Einstein 99129
- 100. To Elsa Einstein 100130
- 101. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe and Reta Anschütz-Stöve 101131
- 102. To Hendrik A. Lorentz 101131
- 103. Recommendation for Betty Neumann 102132
- 104. To Sylvio de Mayo 102132
- 105. From Max Born 103133
- 106. Recommendation for David Reichinstein 104134
- 107. To Heinrich Zangger 104134
- 108. To Elsa Einstein 105135
- 109. To Elsa Einstein 105135
- 110. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 106136
- 111. To Heinrich Zangger 108138
- 112. To Elsa Einstein 108138
- 113. To Paul Ehrenfest 108138
- 114. From Georg Count von Arco 109139
- 115. From Hendrik A. Lorentz 110140
- 116. Discussions of Lectures in Bonn 112142
- 117. To Georg Count von Arco and Russian Friends 114144
- 118. To Elsa Einstein 115145
- 119. From Hermann Mark 116146
- 120. To Elsa Einstein 116146
- 121. To Betty Neumann 117147
- 122. The Affine Field Theory 118148
- 123. “The Theory of the Affine Field” 118148
- 124. To Elsa Einstein 119149
- 125. From Hermann Mark 119149
- 126. To Betty Neumann 122152
- 127. To Elsa Einstein 123153
- 128. To Unknown 124154
- 129. “On the Quantum Theory of Radiation Equilibrium” 125155
- 130. To Frieda Huber 130160
- 131. From Chaim Weizmann 130160
- 132. To Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Nobel Committee for Physics 131161
- 133. To Chaim Weizmann 131161
- 134. Aphorism on Germany 132162
- 135. To Betty Neumann 132162
- 136. From Paul Ehrenfest 133163
- 137. To Paul Ehrenfest 133163
- 138. From Max Straus 134164
- 139. Reply to The New York World 135165
- 140. To Betty Neumann 135165
- 141. To Elsa Einstein 136166
- 142. From Wolfgang Pauli 136166
- 143. From Max Planck 138168
- 144. Aphorism 139169
- 145. From Gustav Bradt 139169
- 146. From Brandt at Landgericht I 141171
- 147. From Peter Pringsheim 141171
- 148. Wilhelm Orthmann to Peter Pringsheim 141171
- 149. Review of Josef Winternitz, Relativity Theory and Epistemology 144174
- 150. To Elsa and Ilse Einstein 146176
- 151. To Betty Neumann 146176
- 152. “On an Obvious Hypothesis about the Origin of the Geomagnetic Field and Its Experimental Refutation” 148178
- 153. From Jakob Grommer 149179
- 154. From Emil Warburg 149179
- 155. From Jakob Grommer 150180
- 156. From Peter Pringsheim 151181
- 157. From Max Planck 153183
- 158. To Emil and Elisabeth Warburg 154184
- 159. To Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein 155185
- 160. To Elsa Einstein 156186
- 161. To Betty Neumann 157187
- 162. From Robert A. Millikan 158188
- 163. From Théophile de Donder 158188
- 164. From Gustav Stresemann 160190
- 165. To Elsa and Ilse Einstein 160190
- 166. To Théophile de Donder 161191
- 167. To Betty Neumann 162192
- 168. From Veniamin F. Kagan 162192
- 169. From Albert A. Michelson 162192
- 170. “Does Field Theory Offer Possibilities for the Solution of the Quantum Problem?” 163193
- 171. To Max Planck 169199
- 172. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 169199
- 173. From Jakob Grommer 170200
- 174. From Hans Mühsam 171201
- 175. From Théophile de Donder 174204
- 176. To Elsa Einstein 176206
- 177. Acceptance Speech on Being Awarded a Gold Medal 177207
- 178. To Paul Ehrenfest 179209
- 179. To Elsa Einstein 180210
- 180. From Hendrik A. Lorentz 181211
- 181. To Marie Curie-Skłodowska 182212
- 182. To Hendrik A. Lorentz 183213
- 183. From Michele and Vero Besso 184214
- 184. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 185215
- 185. Foreword to Chaim Weizmann, Israel und sein Land. Reden und Ansprachen 187217
- 186. To Marcel Grossmann 188218
- 187. To Jacques Loeb 189219
- 188. Aphorism 190220