2 2 D O C U M E N T 1 8 A P R I L 1 9 2 3
which about 300 pp. are already
I would very much want to discuss this
new paper in it, which I have just barely enough time for. The book is being printed
in step with the completion of the manuscript.
Forgive me, this time as well, for my breadth (prolixity). The main cause of it is
that it is not easy for me to restrain my expansiveness just when I am writing to you,
as I value and love “the man” even more than the master.
Most cordial regards from your
Ludwig Silberstein.
17. From Gilbert Murray[1]
Yatscombe, Boar’s Hill, Oxford, April 20, 1923
[See documentary edition for English text.]
18. To Elsa Einstein[1]
Kiel, 21 April [1923]
Dear Else,
Arrived here after a good trip. After somewhat difficult communication by tele-
phone, Mr.
collected me and led me into the charming bachelor’s apart-
ment that he has had furnished for me
This is not in the Diogenes’s
whose construction had to be given up due to major structural problems, but on the
ground floor of the building in which Mr. Anschütz and his
It is so grand that I am sorry to have to leave again so soon. Complete interior dec-
oration is included, which he selected with great loving care and bought for me in-
stead of payment for last
besides separate household help.