1 6 D O C U M E N T 1 2 A P R I L 1 9 2 3
I am calmly working at my problems and am quite content at home,
after having returned from the exceedingly fine and interesting trip. It would be a
great pleasure for me to tell you about it during our next meeting together.
With cordial greetings to you and your esteemed
I am yours truly,
12. To Federigo Enriques[1]
Berlin, 11 April 1923
Dear Colleague,
Your letter touched me very much, and I frankly admit to you that I would prefer
your company and that of
to that of my colleagues
But the
anti-Semitism does not make me suffer, even though it is present here to a very high
degree. On the contrary, it has the effect that I am less pestered by people than
would otherwise be the case. Added to that, I am strongly
to my current
environment by family, friendship, and business ties. At my age, after all, it is no
longer so easy to change one’s milieu, because one does not have enough elasticity
to amalgamate with a new one.
For all these reasons, notwithstanding all the feelings of gratitude and sympathy
toward you and your always especially beloved country, I at present cannot decide
to accept your kind offer. If, however, I should feel
to leave my nest
here in the future by a worsening of conditions, I will immediately, gladly, and con-
fidently turn to you.
In the hope of seeing you again soon, I am, with cordial greetings to you and
Levi-Civita, yours,
A. Einstein.