D O C U M E N T 8 4 J U LY 1 9 2 3 8 9
his assumptions on one point, though; he assumes that the anions lie in a deeper
layer of the surface than the cations. I find, however, that electrolytes with a mono-
valent cation in low concentrations raise the negative charge of the particles; only
when the concentration increases does a depression occur. It seems to me that it can
only be interpreted such that, at a lower concentration of electrolytes, the anions lie
nearer to the water’s surface than the cations. I am sending you the first of my pa-
pers in this
likewise, also a paper on instinct theory (The Photochemical
Basis of Animal
I shall not hold it against you if you do not read
these papers.
I assume that you and your esteemed wife are well. We often think of you and
hope that we can see you once again in America. America is also going through an
unpleasant period of reaction; the war made most people crazy, and a Junker stage
seems to be a necessary but hopefully temporary phenomenon of nationalistic mad-
ness. You would not perceive any of these things, however, on a visit in America.
Perhaps the ¢presumable² anticipated favorable outcome of Michelson’s experi-
ments will bring you
With most cordial greetings from my wife and me to your esteemed wife and to
you yourself, respectfully yours.
84. To Erich Ruschkewitz[1]
Berlin, 21 July 1923
Happy youth, high momentum
Frolicsome enthusiasm
Once you see the world’s affairs
Then some of that love disappears
If it later seems so somber
Best that’s left is some humor
There’s less for you to dote upon
But you still do have your fun
With kind regards,
A. Einstein.