1 5 0 D O C U M E N T 1 5 4 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 3
I did some music making with my daughter
who was here a short while
ago; she sang [me] that fine song by Schubert saying: the world becomes more
beautiful day by
that’s over now.
How is your theory of terrestrial magnetism doing?
I recently presented my work, which has become com-
pletely clear, to the Society for Technical
current in the ozone pipes contains high-frequency har-
monic oscillations ([angular vel.] [of] [the] order
sec); they can be separated from the fundamental oscil-
lation if one measures electrometrically and if one sets a
very good capacitor of about 0.1 mf in parallel to the re-
sistor, to which the electrometer is connected, and this
[capacitor] will completely contain the harmonic oscilla-
tions. By ohmic and inductive resistors in the connection
wire, the harmonic oscillations are also strongly
damped, [but] the fundamental oscillation is not affected. These don’t have any in-
fluence on the chemical effect. The result is of no general significance; however, it
does make reasonable measurements in this field possible. I continue to work at the
Reichsanstalt where the gentlemen are very kind to me and where the upper man-
agement has left me in peace until now. I haven’t spoken to our colleague N. for a
My son has received strong support from America, but he also has to deal
I am becoming more and more convinced that character is gen-
erally unfavorably influenced by scientific work.
Now, fare very well; you, in any case, have the advantage that you are in a posi-
tion to construct a pleasant life for yourself.
With cordial regards also from my wife [-------], yours,
E. Warburg.
155. From Jakob Grommer
Berlin, 17 November [1923]
[Not selected for translation.]