1 7 0 D O C U M E N T 1 7 3 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 3
Something is unclear in the business about the oscillation period. In the matter
of the damping calculation, we were compelled to identify the so-called fundamen-
tal oscillation, i.e., the totally undamped oscillation; it seemed as if it had just be-
come clear to
on the day of my departure that the blowout magnet has
its own say in it, depending on its distance from the copper shell. This affair seems
very plausible to me as well.
I would not have any objections to that, either, if that were so, because I am
thinking that we might thereby have a means in hand to regulate favorably the di-
minishing, i.e., the shortening of the oscillation period upon approach of the equa-
tor through altered tension at the sphere, that is, the blowout magnet, and the there-
by effectuated altered distance of the sphere from the shell. I would be very grateful
if you might utter a placet to Glitscher’s letter, which I am enclosing for
which I do not want to have back; in the meantime, the experiment will also shed
some light on it.
It would have been very nice in Kiel except that the weather was horrendous. I
am glad to be able to be here again for a couple of weeks; I think I shall have to go
back up there in January; the work is enticing to me as well; this time it was partic-
ularly fine because everything was moving forward so well.
secured for himself enduring fame among Lieutenant Colonel Kestel’s
children, because he sent them a dose of chocolate some months ago; I would not
have credited that unpolished bear with so much courtesy.
There are noises again of travel plans on your part into regions I do not know at
In all cordiality between households, yours truly,
173. From Jakob Grommer
Berlin, 3 Wullenweber St., 6 December 1923
Dear Professor,
I now write you on the matter of the Kaunas
is traveling to Paris in order to procure a subsidy from the
She was here yesterday and sincerely asks you, dear Professor, to write
a few letters to Paris in support of Kaunas. She would like you to write to the Alli-
ance Israelite Universelle and mainly mention the Pedagogium, where teachers are
Then also to high-placed people in Paris, perhaps to