1 2 2 D O C U M E N T 1 2 6 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 3
With radiator without foil = S1
With radiator with foil = F1
B.) At 15°: Scattering without sec. radiator = Z2. Now the slit
by the chamber is narrowed down until Z2 = Z1 and then measured
as above and the ratio is formed.
Unfortunately, I have to wait for 2 days until the chamber has been rebuilt.
Upon receipt of the chamber I would like to repeat the experiments in that way;
then continuously register the angular region and from to 90°, and finally try out
various substances as a secondary radiator.
I would be very grateful to you, Professor, if you would let me know whether
you agree with this kind of procedure, particularly, which errors I have made in the
process and whether you, Professor, think that the figures found above speak to
Compton’s finding.
With my best compliments and wishes, I am, Professor, your ever gratefully de-
H. Mark.
126. To Betty Neumann
[Leyden,] Sunday, 30 September 1923
My dear Betty,
Who knows whether you received the letter from Cologne that I had entrusted to
the station porter during the stopover in
He did solemnly promise as
much. It was on the trip Bonn–Leyden, which had some resemblance to Odysseus’s
travels, as concerned the
There were no sirens or Calypso or the like,
just Cyclopses and tribulations. In one week it’s homeward bound again after six
weeks wandering
A couple of excursions with you would have been more
preferable to me, nice though it is here in sleepy Holland at my old friend
with those dear little children! I was by the sea with them yesterday.
Take heart, Betty, and simply write to me in my lair, 5 Haberland St. I’ll be on the
lookout from October 12th until the 30th to ensure that nothing falls into the wrong
hands. And if so, then that’s no misfortune, either. I don’t want to be stranded with-
out that little something from your dainty paws; it’s grim enough as it is. I’m a little
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

1 2 2 D O C U M E N T 1 2 6 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 3
With radiator without foil = S1
With radiator with foil = F1
B.) At 15°: Scattering without sec. radiator = Z2. Now the slit
by the chamber is narrowed down until Z2 = Z1 and then measured
as above and the ratio is formed.
Unfortunately, I have to wait for 2 days until the chamber has been rebuilt.
Upon receipt of the chamber I would like to repeat the experiments in that way;
then continuously register the angular region and from to 90°, and finally try out
various substances as a secondary radiator.
I would be very grateful to you, Professor, if you would let me know whether
you agree with this kind of procedure, particularly, which errors I have made in the
process and whether you, Professor, think that the figures found above speak to
Compton’s finding.
With my best compliments and wishes, I am, Professor, your ever gratefully de-
H. Mark.
126. To Betty Neumann
[Leyden,] Sunday, 30 September 1923
My dear Betty,
Who knows whether you received the letter from Cologne that I had entrusted to
the station porter during the stopover in
He did solemnly promise as
much. It was on the trip Bonn–Leyden, which had some resemblance to Odysseus’s
travels, as concerned the
There were no sirens or Calypso or the like,
just Cyclopses and tribulations. In one week it’s homeward bound again after six
weeks wandering
A couple of excursions with you would have been more
preferable to me, nice though it is here in sleepy Holland at my old friend
with those dear little children! I was by the sea with them yesterday.
Take heart, Betty, and simply write to me in my lair, 5 Haberland St. I’ll be on the
lookout from October 12th until the 30th to ensure that nothing falls into the wrong
hands. And if so, then that’s no misfortune, either. I don’t want to be stranded with-
out that little something from your dainty paws; it’s grim enough as it is. I’m a little
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