I N D E X 1 0 4 5 clines, 508 Locarno Treaties, benevolent influence on sci- entific cooperation, 161 on Miller’s experiment, 123 AE on, 126 Millikan, on invitation of to Solvay Congress, 949a AE on, 751 Solvay Congress, 1927 AE should lecture at, 418 German participants at, 418, 448–449 AE on, 452 program of, 417, 418–419, 448 Lorentz Fund collection of funds for, 884a inauguration of, 902a supports Klein, 927a Lorentz-Kaiser, Aletta (1858–1931), visits Cali- fornia Institute of Technology, 723 Lorsy, Ernst, solicits statement in support of Chaplin, 952a AE provides, 760, 761 Loudspeaker design of by Hans Albert Einstein, AE on, 798– 799 invention of Bothe and Schiff, 934a Louis-Dreyfus, Louis (1867–1940), 308, AE vis- its, 310 Louvre, AE on modern sculptures in, 400 Löwe, Heinrich (1869–1951), 206 on prospecting for water, 916a, 938a solicits recommendation to French authorities, 916a Lowe Gordon, Esther, solicits patronage in orga- nizing international summer student camps, 904a Luchaire, Julien (1876–1962), 84n, 113n, 303n, 307, 308, 309n, 373, 399, 533, 538, 886a, 902a, 904a, 906a, 911a, 930a, 955a, 960a Eisler, on election as adjunct chief of university section of IIIC of, 886a ICIC, on bibliography of economic sciences, 932a IIIC, on installation of, 888a Kirchberg recom- mended by AE for position at, 960a sends report on Conference of the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bu- reaus, 936a solicits article on intellectual cooperation, 899a Ludendorff, Hans (1873–1941), 121, 882a, 890a on Delbrück case, AE on, 121n on position for Weber, 894a Lüders, Heinrich, 915a Lugones, Leopoldo, on reform of educational systems of League member states, 113n Lunacharsky, Anatoly, 904a, 956a Luther, Hans, 66n, 393n cabinet of, lxviii Lux, Stephan, AE recommends film project of to Ullstein, 950a, 951a Luxa, Hedwig, Boris on, 948a M. M. Warburg & Co, 923a Maanen, Adriaan van (1884–1926), 652, 889a Mach, Ernst (1838–1916), 788n monument for, AE on, 500–502 Schlick on, 245, 332, 503, 899a Mach, Ludwig, 954a Mack, Julian, lxxvii, 249n, 344n, 918a member of Rosenbloom advisory committee, 914a Macleish, Archibald, 737n Magnes, Judah L. (1877–1948), lxxvii, 73, 74, 115, 205, 250n, 253n, 316, 365, 426n, 519, 818, 877a, 884a, 890a, 907a, 918a, 919a, 925a, 926a AE talks with, 545, 547 AE disagreement with, 529 AE excludes cooperation with, 826 executive abilities of, AE criticizes, 477 Weizmann criticizes, 471–472 AE on, 477 Hebrew University Academic Council, on sections of, 312 administrative leader of, Weizmann pro- poses as, 824 BOGHU, on constitution of, 312 dismissal as chancellor of, AE proposes, 518, 526–527, 528 withdraws proposal, 519 on present status and activities of, 901a improper procedures of, AE on, 205, 249, 328– 329, 333, 365, 366 Magnes on, 299 lacks intelligence, loyalty, and reliability, AE on, 826 mistakes of, AE on, 518 organizational issues, asks AE for discussion of, 882a Warburg, Otto appreciates, 519 Weizmann, discussion with, 512 criticism of, 520 Zionist Executive, correspondence with, 877a Magnetism week in Zurich, participants, 510, 511n Magnus, Julius, 887a speaker at Keren Hayesod rally, 359n