1 0 3 2 I N D E X See also Vaihinger, Hans Aluminum, 318, 561, 568 Alvear, Marcelo T. de (1868–1942), lxxvii, 701n Amaral, Ignácio do, lxxv, 700n, 707n, 708n, 777n American Academy of Arts and Sciences, elects AE foreign honorary member, 870a, 873a American Assistance for Families of German and Austrian Scientists and Teachers, 847a, 849a, 850a, 851a, 852a American Jewish Physicians Committee, 444 invites AE, AE declines, 339 American Joint Distribution Committee, 851a funds for Jewish college courses in Kaunas- Kowno, 872a Amnesty for Communist political prisoners, AE on, 626 Ampère’s law, xlviii, l Ampère’s molecular currents, AE’s experiments on in 1915, 826a Amplifier tube, 177, 637 Amsler & Ruthardt, on proceeds from AE’s por- trait to Mrs. Julius C. Turner, 840a Amsterdam Studentenvereeniging, invites AE to lecture, 852a Analogy between elastic and electric oscillations, 389 between gas and radiation, 581, 585, 587, 649 between physics and life sciences, to be avoid- ed, 895a used in Planck’s book, 424 Anchorena, Benito, 701n, 703n Anderson, Wilhelm (1880–1940), 100n on light deflection, AE criticizes, 99 Annalen der Physik, 25, 172, 546n, 548, 883a, 884a, 885a Ansbacher, Guido, solicits contribution to album for Julie Ansbacher, 902a Ansbacher, Luigi, 865a Anschütz vs. Borck & Goldschmidt, AE as ex- pert in lawsuit, 844a Anschütz-Kaempfe, Hermann (1872–1931), xli, xlv, xlvi, xlviii, liii, lxxvi, 24, 101, 115, 136, 164, 174, 176, 330, 338, 347n, 362, 375, 379, 409, 443, 462, 470, 542, 567, 578, 778n, 779, 850a AE sympathizes with, 383 AE yearns to see, 672 on AE’s and sons’ visit to Kiel, 446 on AE’s poem to, 168 on AE’s sons’ vacation in Lautrach, 26 geomagnetic experiment in factory of, xlix Glitscher’s letter to, 907–908 gyrocompass AE congratulates for, 672 follow-up on, 276–277, 333, 852a AE on, 299 on oscillation period of, 277 on residual oscillations of, 561–562 AE on, 568 Hans Albert advises, 161 forwards letter of to AE, 156 intends to leave Kiel factory to, 376, 409 letter to, 905 on, 568 on reasons for behavior of, 115 requests instructions on how to handle, 156 invites Hans Albert and Eduard to Lautrach, 409, 446 Mileva’s letter to, 905 new apartment for AE in Kiel, lx, 50, 568 new sailing boat from, 137 opinion on Elsa, 115 on “Quantum Princess,” 393 sails with AE, 136, 381 Anschütz-Kaempfe-Schuler, Maria (1847– 1924), 562 Anschütz-Stöve, Reta (1897–1961), 26, 42, 159, 299n AE on, 50 AE’s poem to, 168 impolite toward Elsa, 330 AE on, 331 misunderstanding with Elsa settled, 332 AE on, 338 Anti-Semitism AE on new method to fight, 209 attacks in Berlin, AE leaves for Leyden, 227 Planck on, 230–231, 243 AE will return, 255, 276 and Jewish students at German universities, AE on, 140–141 Arce, José (1881–1968), 312n, 693, 700n, 701n, 703n on AE’s South American lecture tour, 871a, 881a, 890a on honoraria for lectures at Argentinian univer- sities, 881a hosts AE, 701n invites AE to deliver lectures at University of