A priori concept AE critical of Kantian concept of, lviii, 320, 500 AE on in lecture in Buenos Aires, 965 no reason to believe in equality of charges of electron and proton, 621 Winternitz on, 242 Aardenne, Gijsbert W. van (1888–1983), 257n, 265n, 486n AE on character of, 394 in love with Tatiana Ehrenfest, 262 Absolute differential calculus, 195 Absorption not explained by electromagnetic field equa- tions, 269 role of in dispute between AE and Jordan, 644 Acceleration absolute meaning of, 127 proportional to force, Galilei on, 725 real definition of, 517 Action principle, 73, 76 Action-at-a-distance, in Mach’s theory, AE on, 517 Adams, Walter (1876–1956), 511, 512, 857a Adiabatic compression, and entropy of ideal gas, lxx, 651 Adler, Friedrich (1879–1960), 832a Adler, Saul (1895–1966), 605n Adler, Victor, 832a Aereboe, Friedrich, 181n Afanassjewa, Catharina (1854–?), 223n Affine field theory AE on, xxxvii–xxxix, 84–88, 102, 194–198, 199–201 calculations on, 63, 65, 90 experimental proof of, 138 generalized wave equation, 155 interesting implications, 153 See also Weyl-Eddington theory Aichi, Keiichi, 849a Airplane atmospheric measurements done in, li, 556n, 617 See also Balloon Boerner, Arno Alberini, Coriolano (1886–1960), lxxxi, 693 Albert-Lazard, Louise (1884–1934), Winteler- Einstein on condition of, 596–597 Alexander, Jerome offers AE political refuge, 898a requests condensed form of Einstein 1910d, 892a sent, 898a Alexander, Samuel, 882a Allenby, Lord Edmund, 740n Allgemeine Zeitung, 625 requests permission to publish Einstein 1924e, 870a Alliance israelite universelle, 278 Als-Ob Gesellschaft, Einstein Prize competition of, 844a, 848a theory, AE on, 887a INDEX Page numbers in italics indicate editorial apparatus page numbers followed by a lowercase “n” indicate endnotes to Einstein documents page numbers followed by a lowercase “a” indicate references to the Calendar of Abstracts. References are collected under the appro- priate English heading. Certain institutions, organizations, and concepts that have no stan- dard English translation are listed under their foreign designation (with cross-references from an English translation). For the meaning of abbreviations, see the List of Abbrevia- tions. An Index of Citations follows the main index.