I N D E X 1 0 6 3 psychoanalysis in, 714–715 Weltsch, Felix, solicits contribution to Selbst- wehr, 912a Weltsch, Robert, lxxvii sends Bergmann’s Prague address, 929a Weltverband der jüdischen Studentenschaft, xl, 873a Bentwich donates plot of land on Mount of Olives to, 873a solicits help for Jewish emigrant students, 904a AE declines, 342 Steinig on, 870a, 958a Wensink, A., on renewal of AE’s special profes- sorship at University of Leyden, 950a AE thanks, 950a Werthman. Florian, on radio waves, 935a West-Indische Mail Vertretung, AE intervenes for Sovine with, 924a, refuses help, 924a Bank Arnhold on, 939a Westphal, Wilhelm (1882–1978), 873a invites AE to visit, AE declines, 870a resigns from board of Einstein-Stiftung, ac- cepted, 77 solicits recommendation for Gockel’s position, 957a AE provides, 958a Wettstein, Richard, 915a Weyl, Hermann (1885–1955), 148, 807 disagreement with AE, xlix on equations of motion of electron, 741–742 on galleys of Einstein and Grommer 1927, 741 health, Zangger on, 223 on his unified field theory, 742 on offer from University of Leipzig, 223n praises Heisenberg, 912a travels to U.S., 549 unified field theory of, AE on, 40, 424 Besso on, 87 Reichenbach on, 380 on wave mechanics and matrix mechanics, 743 Weyland, Paul, 78n Weyl-Eddington-Schouten approach, AE on, xliv–xlv (see also Unified field Theory, affine approach) Whitney, Hassler (1907–1989), 573n receives recommendation from AE, 934a visits Einsteins in Zurich, 573 Whitney, Willis R. (1868–1958), 222, 937a Whitney-Newcomb (1871–1968), Josepha, 559 Whyte, Lancelot, 937a Wien, Wilhelm (1864–1928), 369, 788n, 915a on Miller’s experiments, lxiv requests KWIP funds for new magnet, 905a Wien, Max (1866–1938), 731n Wiener, Norbert (1894–1964), 234 Wiener Morgenzeitung, solicits contribution to special issue, 873a AE declines, 874a Wierusz-Kowalski, Józef (1866–1927), 544 Wigand, Albert (1882–1932), 57, 874a on charge density of atmosphere, 874a AE on, 57 on electron and proton charge difference, 874a Wilde, Oscar (1854–1900), Eduard Einstein on, 633 Wilhelm, Richard, books on China, 895a, 904a Wilkening, Carl, on repairs to AE’s boat, 960a Williams, William (1884–1959), Lewis proposes that AE receive, 539 Wilson, Charles T. R. (1869–1959), 418 Wilson, Edwin, invites AE to submit paper to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci- ences, 951a Wilson, Harold, on geomagnetism, l Wilson, Woodrow (1856–1924), 568 Windelband, solicits opinion on Tomaschek, 956a AE provides, 956a Winteler, Fridolin (1873–1952), 12 Winteler, Jost (1846–1929), 3n, 11, 12, 13, 14, 527 Winteler, Julius (1880–1906), 12, 556n Winteler, Marie (1877-1957), 14 AE’s love let- ters to, xli–xlii, 3–4, 6–7, 10–11, 14–22, 867a–868a, 911a teaches in Niederlenz, 3, 6, 9 Winteler, Mathias (1878–1934), 6n, 12, 14, 18 Winteler, Paul (1882–1952), 12, 14, 95, 120, 139, 911a Winteler, Pauline (1845–1906), 3n, 6n, 9n, 11, 12, 13, 17, 556n, 868a loses tooth, 7n Winteler, Peter (1886–1963), 444 Winteler, Rosa (1875–1962), 12 Winteler family, AE’s letters to, xli Winteler-Einstein, Maja (1881–1951), 12, 66, 120, 139, 562, 868a, 911a burden of being known as sister of AE, 562 Jahn Rusconi-Besso on, 932a Einstein, Margot, visits, 139 on guests in her boarding house, 911a invites AE, 94 on Kayser-Einstein’s illness, 94